Prominent journalists express concern over POFMA’s impact on their practices in a letter to Comms and Info Minister S Iswaran

27 journalists, including Clare Rewcastle-Brown of Sarawak Report and editor-in-chief of Southeast…

Non-profit voluntary welfare group Thye Hua Kwan to open new temple with multi-religious focus

The non-profit voluntary welfare organisation (VWO) Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society will…

Netizens sceptical with NTUC FairPrice’s initiative to set coffee price at S$0.50 in an attempt to help citizens with rising costs of living

On Thursday (25 April), the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) announced in…

Without even and just Rule of Law, society breaks down

by Brad Bowyer Most commentators on governance say besides free and fair…

Sixteen arrested in last two weeks for duty-unpaid cigarette activities

Sixteen men were arrested in the last two weeks for their involvement…

Details revealed by former editor of The New Paper of how the press was manipulated by PAP in 1997 to fix Workers’ Party politicians

Bertha Henson former Associate Editor of The Straits Times wrote on her…

So do we have the rule of law or rule by law?

by Brad Bowyer “How can it be that so much energy is…

ST wrongly uses a photo of an innocent Myanmar domestic worker as the suspect charged in the murder of her employer

A netizen was in shock when he saw a picture of his…

Police investigating 19-year-old man for criminal trespass, taking photographs of another man in NTU hall bathroom

Another incident involving voyeurism on university residential hall grounds has arisen as…

NTU, SMU to implement changes in handling sexual harassment on campuses

In the wake of criticisms against the National University of Singapore (NUS)…