PM Lee officially opened Sengkang Hospital two weeks ago on 23 Mar. In his opening address, he said Singapore spends less on healthcare than most other...
by Roy Ngerng When I told a friend in Taiwan that the Singapore government has created a new law that would allow the ministers to decide...
Two weeks ago (23 Mar), PM Lee was at the official opening of Sengkang Hospital. He said more hospitals are being built because additional capacity was...
A chance meeting in a coffee-shop in Potong Pasir between a wheelchair-bound resident and a potential Singapore People’s Party (SPP) candidate at the next General Elections...
Nearly two years after being handed the death sentence for killing a pimp five years ago, 55-year-old brothel operator Chan Lie Sian is now back in...
In the debate on hate speech held in Parliament on Monday (1 April), Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam spoke about the risks of hate...
Dr Huang Shoou Chyuan In a recent forum at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) attended by more than 700 students, Minister Heng Swee Keat tried to convince...
by ValueChampion Are you missing out on rewards for everyday expenses? Here are 4 types of spending that can earn you cash back or miles if charged...
by ValueChampion Interested in Pinterest’s upcoming IPO? Here is a comparative analysis of Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat to help you assess whether you should invest. After Lyft’s...
加拿大运输业巨头庞巴迪商用飞机(Bombardier Commercial Aircraft)公司,在上周五(3月29日)宣布,一家要求暂不透露身份的客户,签署了购买六架Q400型新飞机的订单。 根据Q400型飞机的标价,这张确认订单价值约2.02亿美元。 “Q400型飞机提供了乘客舒适度与运行经济性的完美平衡,同时保持了与其他涡轮螺旋桨飞机相比在飞行续航距离和速度方面无与伦比的优势,”庞巴迪商业飞机公司总裁Fred Cromer如是表示。 “全世界对涡轮螺旋桨飞机的需求量非常之大,Q系列飞机具有在多样且具有挑战性的环境中提供服务的独特能力,因此在满足支线航空公司需求方面具备最佳条件。” 在所有涡轮螺旋桨飞机中,Q400机型的单个座位成本最低,提升乘客体验。改公司称且其高达99.5巴仙的可靠性业已得到验证。 总部设于加拿大蒙特利尔的庞巴迪,拥有6万8000多名员工、也是全球交通运输行业的佼佼者,生产和工程业务机构遍布28个国家,除商用飞机,业务也涉猎交通、商务飞机、火车、航空结构与工程服务等。 庞巴迪公司的股票在多伦多股票交易所上市交易(交易代码:BBD)。根据该公司公布的数据,截至去年年12月31日的财年,公司收入达到162亿美元。该公司被World Index评为2019年全球100家最具可持续性企业之一。 去年7月获SMRT12亿元造列车合约 据早前媒体报导,庞巴迪在今年二月也宣布准备注资8500万美元(约1亿1460万新元),扩建位于实里达航空园的新加坡服务中心,预计可在2020年完工及启用,届时有望成为全亚洲最大代工经营的航空维修厂。 这可能有助巩固庞巴迪在亚太区售后客服领域里的主导地位。 庞巴迪则在去年7月,获得SMRT签署总值12亿元的合约,负责建造兼维修66列南北东西线列车。新添购的列车将从2021年起分批运抵新加坡,取代自1987年就投入运作的南北与东西线第一代列车。