A scandal at the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) involving the procurement of services has been uncovered. An email which has been circulating alleges that a...
The sentencing of Singapore-based British DJ Ye Ming Yuen to 24 strokes of the cane and 20 years of imprisonment has purportedly sparked tensions in diplomatic...
Once again, national examination scripts sent to the UK for grading have gone missing. Barely a year after 238 GCE A-level Chemistry scripts that were sent...
It was reported today (14 Jan) that GD Group, a food and beverage company operating the restaurant chain Penang Culture, had deceived the Manpower Ministry (MOM)...
Following the Singapore High Court’s ruling to allow a gay Singaporean man to adopt his 5-year old biological son who was conceived via in-vitro fertilisation and...
by Martin Piper I write with regards to the news about the Supreme Court approving the adoption of a gay father’s son. This was despite the...
Founder of Makansutra, K F Seetoh posted a note on his Facebook page today (14 Jan) sharing that an auntie hawker actually came up to him...
Singapore Post (SingPost) is back in the limelight for another bad publicity when its staff was caught red-handed trying to dupe a small business owner, who...
A rough start to the year for SingPost as they fail to deliver their end of an agreement to distribute flyers for a local business owner....
小贩阿姨感谢本地美食指南”食尊“(Makansutra)美食家司徒国辉坚持不懈、为小贩们仗义执言,给后者大大拥抱!司徒国辉对此发文感慨,说明与其袖手旁观抱怨,当民众实际行动起来、做力所能及的事,终能看到改变。 司徒国辉是在个人脸书分享,到访一家小贩中心时,受到一名小贩阿姨的热情拥抱,感谢他为小贩们挺身而出,对此司徒国辉笑称自己也是“师奶杀手”。他说,有关小贩中心的清洁费也下调至200元,降价高达100元。 “所以不要说做什么都没用。去支持你所坚信的、做力所能及的去实现它。不要只是叉着手抱怨,这样你就成了问题的一部分。” 他说,迄今为止两角钱回收托盘奖励的制度也已废除,裕廊的小贩们节省了至少800元。淡滨尼的小贩也有了休息日;后港茨园小贩中心的600元“管理费”也转换为“非强制”;在旧机场路小贩中心则依据小贩使用的碗盘用量收费。 他坦言,有关当局也不是管理方面的专家,但他们愿意聆听,愿意对现有的社会企业小贩中心制度作出改革。 司徒国辉也提到仍有些待解决的小贩课题,例如巴西立约40名小贩被征收300元强制性的“行销费”等等。他揶揄除了偶尔在那里有举办音乐会,可曾见过管理层作出任何行销?倒不如叫小贩们如何透过社交媒体推销。 司徒国辉呼吁国人抱持这种精神,“负担得起的小贩文化遗产应该尽力保留,不要只是抱怨,应该给小贩们支持。”他说,大家肯定不希望我们的后代看到的美食指南,都是在比较哪个机器人做的食物比较好吃,而对传统手打鱼丸面一无所知。 司徒国辉确实在小贩议题上,展现挺身而出的精神,揭发小贩们在社企管理模式下,面对的种种不公平处境,也难怪小贩阿姨会给他一个大大的拥抱。