Source: Supreme KTV/Facebook

It was reported yesterday that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is investigating cases of COVID-19 among Vietnamese social hostesses including their social contacts at several KTV lounges (‘MOH urges individuals who visited KTV lounges, interacted with Vietnamese social hostesses to attend free swab tests‘, 13 Jul).

In a statement, MOH urged members of the public who had visited the following KTV lounges between 29 June to 13 July, to come forward for a free swab test:

  1. Supreme KTV (Far East Shopping Centre)
  2. Empress KTV (Tanglin Shopping Centre)
  3. Club Dolce (Balestier Point)
  4. WU Bistro Pte Ltd (Golden Mile Complex)
  5. Club De Zara Pte Ltd (Textile Centre)

In addition, MOH advised that anyone who had visited similar KTV lounges operating as F&B outlets, or had interacted with any Vietnamese social hostesses in any setting to come forward for swab tests too.

“All visitors to these premises and similar settings, or those with the above social interactions, are also advised to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their last date of visit,” MOH said. “Individuals who develop any COVID-19 symptoms should see their doctor immediately.”

MOH added that from its investigations, there is likely ongoing COVID-19 transmission at some of the entertainment outlets which are currently closed.

KTV: We aren’t racist and we don’t exclude any group

Supreme KTV manager who only gave his name as Mr Li told the media that they have been following safe management protocols but will look into it further.

Li said all 7 staff members at the KTV have been told to quarantine. He also stressed that his establishment does not hire hostesses, and he did not know who the infected Vietnamese hostesses were. Instead, he said they were likely patrons.

“To be honest, I do not know who they are. For our part, we allow customers to come in whether they’re hostesses, or Singaporeans, or Chinese nationals or Vietnamese. We are not racist … We don’t exclude (any group),” said Li.

“All of us are hoping we can reopen to nightlife entertainment. That’s why we are trying to (get through) this period.”

“The Government has given us a chance to operate as F&B, so we try our best to adhere to the rules that the Government sets.”

The president of the Singapore Nightlife Business Association Joseph Ong said it was “really unfortunate” to see COVID-19 infections arising from entertainment outlets.

He said, “We are not sure how those social hostesses went around – obviously, it’s not something that is allowed.”

“So we are disappointed that (it happened), despite fact that it was very clear … that clubs or bars are not supposed to do that type of business anymore,” he added.

But he said that either way, there should not have been intermingling between the Vietnamese girls and other customers.

In any case, it’s not known how these Vietnamese “social hostess” ended up in Singapore and how the Manpower Ministry had allowed them in. It’s not known what sort of pass was issued to them to enter Singapore.

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