FinSpy strikes again: New versions for iOS and Android targeted surveillance revealed

In a press release earlier today (11 July), Kaspersky revealed that its…

Netizens ridicule survey results that say 8 in 10 Singaporeans are happy with work-life balance

According to a survey done by recruitment agency Michael Page, it is…

Netizens fume after town council fined a medical clinic S$1,000 for leaving chairs outside the clinic for the elderly to use

On Monday (8 July), WAN Medical Clinic, a clinic situated at Block…

Why is Ho Ching's salary a "state secret"?

Temasek Holdings reported a massive plunge in one-year shareholder returns for the…

Phillip Ang: “Public healthcare subsidies are mostly non-existent” in Singapore

On Thursday (11 June), regular blogger, Phillip Ang Keng Hong published an…


本地部落客Phillip Ang Keng Hong 在11日,于部落格上载一篇有关公共医疗津贴的文章,文章指他发现综合诊所的一般收费竟然比私人诊所来得高,令他不禁质疑所谓公共医疗津贴的存在意义? 该名部落客指出,新加坡人民应该对“一般综合诊所的费用竟比私人诊所来得高”更警觉,事实上,人民并没有享受太多的医疗津贴。 他分享了在自己在切除囊肿手术的时所经验的事情。根据公共医疗津贴,Phillip他必须在综合诊所咨询,获得医生的转介信前往大医院见专科医生,这就要价13新元。 林总费用加起来都要325元 数周后,他解释身为一名拥有公共医疗津贴资格的病人,他必须再支付37新元的专科医生咨询费给医院,安排手术。而手术后的预估费用约为275新元(或更多)。 基于林林种种的费用,只是一个微手术,就总共要花费325新元。 Phillip最后前往私人诊所咨询并安排手术,仅需支付总价280新元,再三考量后,他索性取消樟宜医院的安排,前往私人诊所治疗。 他在文章撰述,“政府医院虽然有宣称有70巴仙的医疗津贴补助,但试想若以上为基准,便可算出一个简单的囊肿手术在未津贴前,竟然要价1000新元。就算是一个无知的人,也可知道政府所谓的”享有高额医疗津贴”的说法是不存在的”。…

Three unique baby shower gifts that also reward the giver

by ValueChampion While finding a stand-out baby shower gift can be challenging, there…

Ex-Minister Lim Boon Heng shows the way continuing to work despite in his 70s

At a High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy in Helsinki on Tue…

Singaporean citizens & PRs can leave the country with their CPF money, provided they don't settle in West Malaysia

What’s the fine print when someone wants to renounce their Singaporean citizenship…

Can the public trust the mainstream media to report anything positive of the alternative parties if they practice censorship on news?

As most of our readers would be aware, The Online Citizen (TOC)…