At a High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy in Helsinki on Tue (9 Jul), it was reported that Senior Minister of State for Health Amy Khor wants Singaporeans, who are living longer, to help offset the low birth rates by continuing to work longer.
She noted that life expectancy for Singaporeans is getting longer. It was 84.8 years in 2017.
“This brings opportunities for greater labour force participation at older ages, and is important for a country like Singapore where birth rates are relatively low,” she said.
Indeed, even elderly ex-Singapore ministers are showing the way to continue working even though they are already in their 70s. One of them is Lim Boon Heng, 72, who was a Minister in Prime Minister’s Office. He retired from politics in 2011.
Despite his retirement, he chose to continue to work for the nation. He joined Temasek Holding’s as a director in June 2012. In 2013, he became the Chairman of Temasek and has held on the post till today.
In addition, NTUC Enterprise was formed in 2012 after Lim retired from politics. He then became the founding Chairman of NTUC Enterprise. NTUC Enterprise is the overall holding entity for:

  • NTUC FairPrice
  • NTUC First Campus
  • NTUC Income
  • NTUC Foodfare
  • NTUC Health
  • NTUC Kopitiam
  • NTUC LearningHub
  • NTUC Mercatus which owns malls like AMK Hub, Jurong Point, NEX, Thomson Plaza

Lim: Don’t be surprised retirement age goes beyond 70
In an interview in 2017, he told Singaporeans to work as long as they can.
“We should work for as long as we are able to work, and want to work, although we should not expect the same pay,” he said.
“Don’t be surprised that a few years from now, someone else may be talking about a retirement age which is beyond 70.”
“Not many people can look forward to see what life could be… When people reach retirement age, they look at their CPF (Central Provident Fund) savings, bank accounts and commitments, then they… ask if they can afford to retire.”
Some can, and some can even retire earlier, but many would still need to continue to work, he added. Still, regardless of whether a person has financial reasons for working longer, doing so can give him health benefits, more resilience and a sense of purpose, he said.
It certainly is quite admirable that the elderly Lim Boon Heng in his 70s still continues to work, charting directions for Temasek and NTUC, for the “benefits” of Singaporeans.
Oh, how much does Mr Lim earns for his appointment? We do not know.
Earlier in May, Mr Png Eng Huat, Member of Parliament for Hougang asked for the salary of the top-three highest paid position in the Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund entities, GIC and Temasek holdings.
However, Second Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said that the Government keeps an “arms-length relationship” with GIC and Temasek Holdings, and does not get involved in their operational decisions, such as remunerations.

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将上诉市镇会诉讼判决 林瑞莲指王瑞杰提动议“言之过早”

上月11日,高庭法官加南拉美斯(Kannan Ramesh)宣读判词,指工人党主席林瑞莲、秘书长毕丹星和前秘书长刘程强,须为阿裕尼-后港市镇会蒙受损失,承担法律责任。 故此,副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰,于今日在国会提动议,要求刘程强和林瑞莲回避一切和阿裕尼-后港市镇会相关财政事务。 不过林瑞莲也回应,他们将对有关市镇会诉讼判决提出上诉,且截止日是在下周一(11日),故此王瑞杰的动议似乎“言之过早”。 她提醒不满判决一方有一个月期限可提出上诉。她也指出,他们仍在和律师研究有关判决,也向议会报告,他们将对此诉讼提出上诉,要求议员们拒绝王瑞杰的动议。 王瑞杰充重申议员应保持高标准诚信和责任感,在发言时多次引述高庭判决中对工人党的指责,也要求该党不该躲避,应对此做出解释。 “将近四周已过,但工人党仍保持沉默,未对此作出道歉,以及如何解决失误。”他也把问题抛向现任阿裕尼后港市镇会主席费沙和其他工人党议员,包括费沙会否对阿裕尼和后港居民道歉,以及解除林瑞莲作为市镇会副主席的职务。 他认为,如果直到上诉前什么都不做,那么可认定工人党实际上默许“不诚实和违反信托义务的行为”,甚至是共谋的。 有关市镇会从2011年7月至2015年7月间,支付了FMSS公司多达3370万元。这段期间,林瑞莲为市镇会主席,而刘程强当时为工人党秘书长。至于毕丹星当时担任市镇会招标与合约委员会成员。 去年10月初,高庭展开对工人党市镇会诉讼审讯,阿裕尼—后港市镇会(AHTC)和白沙—榜鹅市镇会(PRPTC)指责刘程强、林瑞莲、毕丹星等八造,必须对2011年5月至2015年11月期间,对第三方承包商的不当付款行为负起责任以及索偿。  


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宏茂桥市镇会前总经理受贿案 控辩双方针对刑期上诉

去年11月,因被控涉嫌收受承包商谢信南(译音)总值10万元贿赂,宏茂桥市镇会前总经理黄志明被判监禁两年零三个月。谢信南也被判监禁21个月。 不过,控辩双方于今日(19日)对判决提出上诉。检控方要求增加监禁刑期,但两人要求缩短刑期。 在通过Zoom视讯进行长达三个小时听证后,首席大法官梅达顺保留判决,将在较后的日期发布。 控方要求把黄志明刑期增至48个月,而谢信南增至44个月。控方认为黄志明不仅当时担任宏茂桥市镇会总经理,还是市镇会的委员会秘书。而他的行为也损害了市镇会的规章程序。 检控官也指此前判刑的地方法官, 未考量数项严重因素,包括此案已造成严重公众不安,也由于此等福败损害了市镇会的廉洁诚信。 至于被告黄志明的律师则要求法官改判服刑11至14个月的刑期,也重提黄过去的服务经理,以及这是他首次触犯法律。 谢信南辩护律师则要求减刑至一年,其律师Eugene Thuraisingam称此案“未造成伤害”,案件并非有预谋,而是朋友和工作之间界限变得模糊,且涉入了非法手段。 黄志明被指控在2014年至2016年间,收受承包商谢信南(译音)总值10万7千元的贿赂。其中半数是两人光顾卡拉OK酒廊和按摩院的花费。 审讯从2018年9月开始,至2019年3月,上述二人才表示有意认罪。他们承认三项涉及总额7万5300元的贪污控状。第一项是,黄志明向谢信南担任董事的一家车行买车,获得1万3千多元的折扣。 其二是谢替黄志明汇款给情妇总值约2万7800元;以及第三项控状涉及光顾卡拉OK酒廊和按摩院的3万4000元花费。…