On Thursday, 28 March, local universities announced an increase in their annual tuition fees starting this year for their medical and dentistry programs, reported Straits Times....
In a 66-page judgement released on Monday (1 April), the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal by Mr Li Shengwu to contest the court order which...
by Kirsten Han It’s late on a Friday night, close to closing time for most of the shops and restaurants in the area. Outside the Harbourfront...
On 28 March (Thursday), Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat made a statement that most Singaporeans might not be ready for an ethnic minority PM. He said...
On Sat (30 Mar), at least 500 people went to Hong Lim Park to protest against Hyflux. Many are looking at losing 80-97% of their life...
A Public Sector Data Security Review Committee has been convened by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in the wake of several cybersecurity breaches involving public healthcare...
A mid-term review of the Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2020 (RIE 2020) plan resulted in Singapore putting in more funds for the research and development (R&D)...
Based on a survey conducted in 2016, Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam is a clear favourite of Singaporeans to be the next Prime Minister, contrary to...
Progress Singapore Party (PSP), the new political party set up by former presidential candidate and former People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament (MP) Tan Cheng...
快餐店再次出现带狗上桌用餐的情况,被网民拍照放上网上,引起网民议论纷纷。 网民Nur今天早上在脸书All Singapore Stuff群组上载一张照片,图中只见两名年轻人在快餐店用餐,而他们身边的一张椅子上,也有一只白色类似日本狐狸犬的狗狗在用餐。 网民在照片上留言说道,“又一个愚昧的年轻人。昨晚位于后港8道的麦当劳快餐店。无视经理的劝告,他们继续呆在该处。狗只在座位上就着桌子进食。这样也可以吗?” 有关的贴文上载至今五个小时,就126个评论,75个转发。 网民表示,这些人的行为太过自私了、太过无知了。 质疑服务员没采取行动 他们也质问,快餐店的服务员或经理怎么可以让类似事件发生,更猜测有关的经理或服务员因为图中的年轻人身上有纹身而害怕了。 对此,网民表示最好就是报警处理。 网民也建议快餐店可以挂上“凡是携带猫狗到快餐店用餐的人士,将被罚款1000元”的告示。 当然,也有网民为当局“伸冤”,表示如果顾客执意要让狗在该处用餐,经理就算劝告了也无济于事。“有时你真的不能和一些无理的人理论,不值得浪费精力。最好找另一张桌子,或者将食物打包带走,回家舒适的享用。” 网民也指出,图中的年轻人也可以只他们并没有在餐厅内享用食物,“他们可以说是在餐厅外的走廊用餐……除非快餐店拥有那个走道……否则他们什么都不能做”。 呼吁交给相关当局处理 网民呼吁贴出照片的网友,不用把照片中人物打上马赛克,“如果要出名,就让他们出名吧”。 网友指出,张贴照片的Nur网友其实无需将相关人们打上马赛克,大可通过一站式手机应用程序(One Service Apps)发出相片,相关机构将会搜出他们,并且对他们进行处罚。 指对狗狗不友善 有的网民对此事件看法不一样,质疑为什么新加坡人都不爱狗,对狗不友善。网民甚至问到,难道公园也不能遛狗吗? 对此,其他网民表示,这不是针对狗或猫的问题,也不是宗教或种族问题,而是卫生问题。“这是关于卫生,他们的举止可能危及快餐店的特许经营清真证书。” 这名网民随后也有解释说,穆斯林并非不爱狗,但是一旦与狗的唾液或湿狗身体接触,他们必须用干净的土壤清理七次。“狗的唾液含有病原体,用水冲不走,只有土壤能彻底清理它们。”