Hong Kong protesters defy Xi with pro-democracy rallies

by Yan ZHAO / Catherine LAI Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters defied a…

John Oliver talks about the chilling effects of SLAPP suits, calls it “an attempt to bully people into silence”

In the latest episode of late-night American talk show “Last Week Tonight”…

CPF rejects application of 56-year old heart patient to withdraw from his CPF account, saying he is ‘not physically incapacitated’

“I didn’t ask for government welfare. I just want to take out…

Deliveroo unveils details of trade-in grant scheme to support its e-scooter delivery riders during transition period

Following the ban – which came into commencement on 5 November –…

Singtel suffers 1st quarterly loss with Bharti Airtel investment through CECA

It was reported by the media yesterday (14 Nov) that Singtel posted…

Hong Kong DBS branch vandalised with graffiti containing vulgarities against PM Lee and PAP, graffiti removed upon discovery

A DBS Bank branch in Hong Kong was vandalised with vulgarities aimed…

S$211 million in CPF money left unclaimed over the last six years; will more CPF members die before spending their hard-earned monies?

A total of S$211 million has been left unclaimed with the Insolvency…

Driver who filmed PM son's when giving him a ride fined S$900, disqualified from driving for 8 months

The 32-driver who recorded videos of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s son…

持刀自残砍伤女儿手臂头部 酗酒单亲妈伤人罪成立

酗酒单亲妈妈发酒疯,持刀自残后还试图杀死女儿的爱犬,女儿力阻之下遭母亲砍伤手臂,更遭爱犬咬伤手指至骨折。单亲妈妈被控蓄意伤人罪名成立,被判14天的短期拘留令,12个月的日间报到令(Day Reporting Order),以及社区服务140个小时。 此案件发生于2018年10月8日清晨4时许,在武吉巴督西8道附近的组屋单位内。 48岁的单亲妈妈被指酗酒后,于半夜时分摇醒在房内睡觉,当时只有14岁女儿,就抱着她说, “让我抱你最后一次” ,就坐到床上了。 试图杀死女儿爱犬 女儿当时曾经要求被告离开,被告就走到厨房取出33公分的菜刀,开始割伤自己的左手臂自残,还质问女儿为什么这样对她。 被告突然好像发酒疯般的走向女儿的爱犬,企图掐死它,女儿见状立刻以身护狗,却引起被告的怒意,企图用刀砍狗。 女儿当时拼命保护狗狗,导致走手臂被菜刀砍得皮开肉绽,伤口还受到狗毛感染。爱狗在受到惊吓下咬伤女儿左手手指,导致手指受伤骨折。 被告随后又用菜刀敲打女儿的头部,多达10次之多,女儿的头皮也因此被割破。…

“非丧失能力至无法工作” 心脏衰竭中年男申请提出公积金被拒

采访:许渊臣  报导整理:北雁 “我不是要跟政府讨福利金,只是想拿出我自己的钱自救都不行,我感到无助,新加坡政府怎么了?” 拿不起超过五公斤的物品,外出四小时就会感到身体疲累,站了15分钟就会开始头晕。患有心脏衰竭,左心室只剩下37巴仙功能的沈佳泉,想向中央公积金局申请领取公积金以支持日后的开销时,当局却以他不符合资格为由,拒绝其申请。 事件主人公,56岁的沈佳泉之前曾工作一段时间,也有3000新元收入,但是在2014年开始,他的身体健康状况出现了问题。 手术后无法长时间工作 那时起他开始翻覆发烧,有时体温甚至烧到摄氏40度;身体也容易感到疲惫,走路或久站都会气喘吁吁。 起初还不以为意,一直到一次在太太陪同下要过天桥去找中医检查时,差点因为喘不过气而昏厥,才惊觉身体状况已出问题;中医建议沈佳泉立即去于医院检查。医生指他的心脏出现衰竭现象,也建议他进行手术。 正常人的左心室射出率(LVEF)在55至70巴仙,但手术后就只剩37巴仙,且不能提重物,否则心脏会痛。“医生要我把一切都放慢下来,不能做太激烈的运动。” 他在手术的两年后,重新开始工作,也尝试了开私召车等兼职工作,但是因为心脏问题,也无法赚取过多收入。在2017年已停止工作。 仅靠妻子工作收入 经济拮据…