Yale-NUS saga: Playwright Alfian Sa'at breaks silence regarding allegations listed in Yale report

Playwright Alfian Sa’at, who was slated to be the instructor for the…

Diving deep: Anqi Lim continues to set new national freediving records

Singaporean freediver Anqi Lim has set several new national records while competing…

Brad Bowyer: Will ordinary Singaporeans go extinct under continued PAP rule?

by Brad Bowyer At the National Day Rally in 1977, as reported…

Singapore's 'fake news' law takes effect as critics sound alarm

Singapore’s new law to combat “fake news” came into effect Wednesday despite…

Government to roll out GST voucher rebate to 930,000 HDB households this month

On Wednesday (2 October), the Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced that about…

Online users agree with Prof Tommy Koh’s that Singapore is a first world country with third world people

On Tuesday (1 October), National University of Singapore Professor Dr Tommy Koh…

Prof Tommy Koh: What Singapore needs is not sycophants but loving critics and critical lovers

Professor Tommy Koh echoed a common adage that Singapore is a first…

It could be the end of Orchard Road ice-cream carts when its owners hang up their license

For decades, friendly uncles selling ice-cream in their unique carts have been…

对耶鲁-国大校方指控 亚菲言脸书打破沉默

上月中旬,耶鲁—国大学院宣布临时取消一门名为《新加坡的异议与抵抗》的课程。而根据最近美国耶鲁大学总校的调查,则指出耶鲁-国大校方的取消课程决定,没有受到政府干预,且考虑到学术要求和法律问题。 根据调查报告,耶鲁-国大学院课程委员会,在五月底对负责课程的新加坡知名剧作家亚菲言(Alfian Sa’at),提出带外籍学生到芳林公园“模拟”示威可能触法,要求他修改教程。但根据他们说法,他们未能联系上亚菲言,后者则表示未获清楚指示。 耶鲁—国大学院校长陈大荣教授解释,课程“未批判性地接触多元观点,这对于探讨围绕在异议周边的政治、社会和伦理议题,去做作妥当的学术检视是需要的”。 虽然课程被喊停,不过Singapore Matters 脸书专页,制作成视频抨击有关课程,指该课程有意鼓励学生进行示威运动,尤其宣传暴力示威。此前亚菲言已解释,当初该课程设计,旨在引导学生从不同角度思考新加坡的抗议行动,例如抗议的意义、以及为何媒体需要将抗议组织或人士设定为“麻烦者”、他们又是为谁制造了麻烦,并非如视频中说的教导学生如何组织公共示威,并指控将课程与香港的政治动荡画上等号是不符合他当初的意愿。 然而针对校方和外界近期的论述,亚菲言打破沉默,在个人脸书有感而发,直言自己绝不喜欢当“代罪羔羊”。 “要把艺术家看作“麻烦制造者”很容易,也是很便利的论述。当然一所学术机构理应被信赖,更何况是一座博雅(liberal arts)学府。” 原相信校方能透明、专业处理 他说他已经尽量保持克制,也婉拒了媒体采访,因为他相信耶鲁-国大学院能透明、专业地处理此事。当校方和职员召开会议和对话也没邀请他,自己也没提出异议,还天真地以为这算是展示“绅士风度”。…

Prof Koh tells 4G leaders: We don't want more S'poreans to become Grab drivers and angry voters

At the Singapore Bicentennial Conference yesterday (1 Oct), the former Singapore’s UN…