An instrument approach based on the Global Positioning System (GPS) is in the wings for Seletar Airport as the civil aviation authorities of Singapore and Malaysia...
Following an article that TOC published on Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) conducting a public outreach programme to “educate” people on fake news, lawyer and People’s...
National long-distance runner, Soh Rui Yong, was asked via legal letter by the Singapore National Olympic Council to withdraw his account of the 2015 SEA Games...
A member of the public Whing Yeok Leng wrote to ST Forum 2 weeks ago (29 Mar), asking the CPF Board to consider letting CPF members...
据了解,马来西亚柔佛州务大臣奥斯曼沙比安已经辞职。 马国首相马哈迪在今日,于马国国会向媒体证实,奥斯曼已在周一(4月8日)向他呈辞,辞职立刻生效。 他也表示,奥斯曼也将辞职信交给柔佛苏丹依布拉欣陛下。 不过,马哈迪表示目前还未决定由谁出任新大臣,将选出代州务大臣,或进行正式委任。 目前有三至四位人选。根据希盟协议,柔州大臣一职將由来自土著团结党的成员出任。 不过,马哈迪未透露奥斯曼辞职的原因,仅表示未来再透露详情。 早前,奥斯曼将被撤职的谣言满天飞,而他昨日前往布城会见首相也成为焦点。加上他缺席週二在布城举行的第九届马新领导人非正式会议,更加深了外界对他辞职的揣测。 柔王储:王室早有换大臣之意 柔佛王储东姑依斯迈甚至在推特发文,指柔佛王室早有撤换大臣之意,苏丹依布拉欣陛下早在一个月前就有此打算。 他说,苏丹希望新的大臣不再是布城的应声虫,必须以柔佛的繁荣和人民福祉为优先。 Saya harap Menteri Besar yang baru bukanlah ”yes man” Putrajaya saja. Kesejahteraan rakyat dan kemakmuran Negeri...
Nine years ago in 2010, then former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said at a public dialogue that Singapore should scale back its need for foreign...
The Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam said earlier on Tuesday (2 April) that the Government will not be the one deciding on what is...
The Law Society of Singapore seems to have remained noticeably silent in the wake of the publication of the “fake news” bill. Can their silence be...
While Singaporeans are still processing the contents of the “fake news” bill, which is likely to become law after being debated in Parliament some time this...
Technology firm IN.Genius is keeping its fingers crossed for its third attempt to send the first Singaporean into the edge of space this month. The first...