At least 8 Singaporeans died in past 1.5 years while serving their nation

It was reported that Corporal First Class (CFC) Aloysius Pang Wei Chong…

2019 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) posting results to be released on 31 jan

The result of the 2019 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) will be released on Thursday (31…

NSFs and NSmen continue to die despite Ng’s assurance of “highest command attention” from SAF Chiefs

It was reported that Corporal First Class (CFC) Aloysius Pang Wei Chong…

Malaysia continues to defend its bans on Israeli athletes

Malaysia’s Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq has clarified that he is…

Manpower Minister Josephine Teo insists Progressive Wage Model uplifts low-wage workers’ pay; experts argue otherwise, citing depressed wages due to unbridled influx of migrant workers into Singapore

While Manpower Minister Josephine Teo continues to sing high praises of her…

If the government wants avoid “fake” CPF news, it can simply be more transparent. 

Suspicions in relation to the workings, mechanics and intentions of the Central…

Court of Appeal resumes hearing of appeal against man acquitted of raping live-in lover’s daughter

The hearing of the Prosecution’s appeal against a High Court’s decision to…

“Choping is an individually rational act that is collectively irrational and inefficient for users as a whole”

We recently ran a story about a German exchange student from National…

Looming Daesh-linked terrorism threat in Singapore remains high due to regional attacks: MHA

Terror attacks in the Southeast Asian region – such as the church…


武装部队召开新闻发布会,陆军总长吴仕豪少将告诉媒体,根据武装部队初步调查结果显示,本地艺人冯伟衷是在维修155毫米榴弹自走炮炮管时,被移动的炮管困在炮车内部,并碾压至重伤。 陆军部队也决定,即日起暂停所有高风险军训,武装部队也将全面降低军训密集度,把更多精力放到军训安全上。 吴仕豪少将说,冯伟衷是经训练的军备技术员,负责维修自走炮。事发时,他和另一名技术员和一名炮塔指挥官在场,为炮管故障进行检查。 “为了给炮管进行维修,他们必须把炮管先从高位下降,恢复到待机状态的位置。” 但是在这过程中,位于炮塔内的炮管后端,会往后延伸。冯伟衷相信当时因为来不及逃脱,被往后延伸的炮管卡在车内,严重碾压至重伤。 吴仕豪说,炮管降下后,炮塔内空间减少,但仍有空间给技术人员工作。 吴仕豪也在记者会上展示,从炮塔内观察,正常炮管降下时,炮管后端的往后延伸动作: 吴仕豪说,这是一起不幸事件,在自走炮投入服务15年来,未有类似的严重辗伤事故。 目前,陆军需要完整调查,国防部也会召开独立调查委员会, 以深入调查事故的真正起因。 三军总长王赐吉中将,今午率吴仕豪少将、作战后勤支援指挥部司令陈君有上校、陆军军医长卢宏一上校,和人力司司长李忠伟召开记者会,交代初步调查结果。 作战后勤支援指挥部司令陈君有上校,在针对媒体询问时指出,当炮管要降下,炮塔指挥官需口头预警,也需回头视察炮塔室的情况,才按下降炮管的按钮。…