Source: AVA.

High levels of Fipronil, a wide-spectrum pesticide, has been detected in iceberg lettuce from a Malaysian farm, which is imported by Go Fresh Impex Pte Ltd for sale at NTUC Fairprice and Sheng Siong supermarkets.

In a press release on Thursday (4 October), the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) stated that it has directed the importer to recall the implicated product and that the recall is ongoing.

Iceberg lettuce sold at NTUC FairPrice that are affected by the recall come with the supplier code 40.

AVA noted that consumers who have purchased the affected products may contact the respective supermarket retail outlets for enquiries.

It also said that as a good food safety practice, consumers should wash and soak vegetables to remove any pesticide residues, prior to cooking and consumption.


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