Man apologises to CPF Board and decides to get help from loved ones for child’s school fees

Last Wed (26 Jun), a 60-year-old elderly man Lim Koh Leong wrote…

会员欲提存款付女儿学费遭拒 公积金局为解答投诉疲于奔命

最近中央公积金局有点忙,忙着回答在网络上被网民们疯传的各种提问。 先是有脸书用户Desmond Chua于21日在脸书申诉,会员退休金户口(Retirement Account)中一半的资金被转入公积金终身计划(CPF Life Plan)中,且在过世后无法享有利息,非常不公平。 再来,是民众林国良(译音)投诉无法提1万5000元公积金存款,为女儿还大专学费。 Desmond Chua说,55岁后,公积金局将他账户中的7万7500元转入公积金终身入息标准计划(CPF LIFE Standard Plan)中,留下另外七万余元在他的退休户口。…

Lee Hsien Yang turns up at Pink Dot with family while Lee Hsien Loong is missing despite open invitation

Newly married Li Huanwu and his husband Heng Yirui attended 11th Pink…

Former PAP MP Alvin Yeo accused 2nd time of overcharging clients

The Law Society filed an application on Tuesday (25 Jun) for the…

Electricity tariff to increase on average 6.4% for the period of 1 July to 30 Sept 2019

Electricity tariffs (before 7% GST) will increase by an average of 6.4%…

Software used in 737 Max crashes linked to Indian software companies

Through an investigative journalism work, Bloomberg published an article today (‘Boeing’s 737…


步入第11个年头的同性恋平权活动“粉红点”(Pink Dot)集会今日(29日)下午5时在芳林公园举行。而主办当局脸书专页则分享,总理弟弟李显扬一家一同出席活动的合照。 李显扬儿子李桓武与伴侣Heng Yirui医生,刚在上月24日于南非开普敦结婚,引来国内外各界人士瞩目。 而在今日的“粉红点”活动,李桓武和伴侣,父亲李显扬、母亲林学芬以及Heng Yirui医生父母都到场出席,为活动增添亮点。 大多网民留言较为正面,除了表达祝福之外,一些性少数群体也感谢李显扬一家的出席,认为这是最实际的支持,具有重大意义,也意味着家庭成员间也能展现包容态度。 早在去年7月,李桓武就公开在脸书和伴侣合照,并表态支持第10届“粉红点”活动: 早前,总理李显龙曾表示,刑事法典377A条“”仍“将保留在法律中一段时期”,但不代表新加坡会将性少数族群(LGBTQ)边缘化,犹如刑法第377A条并不阻止粉红点每年的聚会。 不过,也有许多性少数群体和性别平权人士仍呼吁,应该先废除377A条文,并且多聆听他们的意见,才可能保障该群体平等权益、能受本地社会的接纳和免受歧视。 根据我国刑事法典第377A节条文,男性同性性行为属犯罪行为,一旦罪名成立可被判监禁长达两年。 不过,对于同性恋者,已故建国总理李光耀生前也曾表明不同意见。…

Drug addiction a chronic medical condition; decriminalisation is not legalisation: Malaysia’s Health Minister on removing criminal penalties against personal drug use

While the move to decriminalise drug addiction stems from the understanding that…

13th Parliament performance: MPs who asked the most and least questions

As you might already know, Parliament is set to reopen in July.…

Political turmoil over Hong Kong’s extradition Bill “not good” for Singapore: MAS managing director Ravi Menon

The “complementarity” between Hong Kong and Singapore as Asia’s prime financial hubs…