Former Chief Economist at GIC and former adjunct professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Yeoh Lam Keong lambasted a statement made by...
Following the series of recent executions by the state – most notably that of Malaysian Prabu N Pathmanathan who was convicted for drug trafficking – and...
Following the latest fare increase by the Public Transport Council (PTC), the Ministry of Transport has announced that the government will be giving $9 million in...
Why increase transport fares by the highest ever in history? I refer to the article “Bus and train fares to rise by 6 cents per trip...
Following StarHub’s announcement earlier this month regarding the impending retrenchment of some of its staff members, the local telecommunications giant began laying off some of its...
It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Malaysian government is pushing to revisit the water price issue with Singapore. Malaysian Deputy Foreign Minister...
Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong’s authorised biography, titled ‘Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story’, is now on sale in Singapore’s bookstores. Written by former...
A hawker selling prawn noodles at the Tekka Food Centre turned to Facebook on Tuesday (30 Oct) to point out the irksome habit of customers complaining...
Gas tariff for households will be increased by 2.29 percent or 0.44 cent per kilowatt hour (kWh), from 19.23 cents per kWh to 19.67 cents per...
马来西亚反贪污委员会,今日在官网公布希盟政府内阁部长和国会议员的收入。其中,每月收入最高者为工程部长巴鲁比安,达到10万8056令吉(约3万5685新元),其次就是财政部长林冠英(2万8544元)。 首相敦马则位居第四,即7万5861令吉(约2万5052元)。假设有第十三个月花红,预计其年收入可高达32万5676元。另外,副首相阿兹莎的月收入为5万9048令吉(约1万9500新元)。 马国反贪会声称,要求议员申报财产,旨在使政府领导更为透明,民众可查阅和得知政府公务员和议员的财产状况。 根据反贪会网站,目前已申报财产的希盟议员多达82人、有官职者多达40人,尚有13内阁成员未申报。 网站显示一些议员有申报配偶和孩子的收入,但所公佈的是有关议员的个人每月收入,并不包括他们家人的收入。 这些收入包括了有关国会议员的每月薪金、津贴和其他收入。 网站也注明由於存在技术问题,网站目前只显示总收入,而问题解决后,才能显示与財產所有权相关的更详细信息。 最低月入议员逾五千新元 月收入第二高的是財长林冠英,他也是峇眼国会议员和亚逸布爹州议员。第三名为贸消部长拿督斯里赛夫丁纳苏申,为7万7629令吉。 在所有已呈报財產的国会议员中,甲洞国会议员林立迎月收入最少,仅为1万5850令吉(约5千234新元)。 原本反贪会定于10月15日公布议员财产,不过为了给更多部长和议员有时间申报,才展延至今日才公布。 假设一名马国普通公务员月收入是3500令吉,加上一个月花红,年收入约为4万5500令吉。与收入最高的工程部长巴鲁比安140万4728令吉的年收入对比,薪资差距约为30倍。