It was announced today that local food court operator Kopitiam Investment will be acquired by NTUC Enterprise with an undisclosed figure by the end of the...
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Speaking at the Energy Market Authority (EMA)’s Energy Innovation event yesterday (20 Sep), Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Industry and Foreign Affairs Dr Tan Wu...
Travel vlogger Nas Daily’s video declaring Singapore as a nearly perfect country has drawn lively debate from both sides of the fence. Detractors have labelled his...
Errors occur and mistakes happen – fair enough. That said, are blackouts that affect a large area of Singapore acceptable so shortly after the price of...
A 42-year-old Singaporean woman, Tammy Tien Mi, was sentenced by the State Courts on 20 September 2018 to a fine of $32,892.78 after she pleaded guilty...
SMRT in a statement regarding the correction of a track point fault along the East-West Line (EWL) between Jurong East and Clementi MRT stations on Wednesday...
There’s been a lot of talk these past few days about Israeli blogger, Nusier Yassin’s video on Singapore posted on his Facebook page, Nas Daily. Nas...
职总创优企业合作社(NTUC Enterprise),将收购本地咖啡店和小贩中心运营商Kopitiam集团。 职总创优企业发文告指出,交易预计今年底完成,惟仍待监管部门批准。职总企业认为,他们与咖啡店集团拥有共同经营理念,即提供可负担且实惠的美食。 执行董事纪德坤声称,职总企业将善用综合优势,提升并打造国内有活力和弹性的日用品行业,最终咪表乃是为客户提供更好体验、为员工和其他相关利益者创造机会。 职总企业强调,收购策略符合职总企业的社会使命,为新加坡社群的利益服务。收购也进一步完善和提升现有熟食业提供经济实惠美食目的。 职总企业旗下八大社会企业,在保健和乐龄护理、孩童护理、日用品、熟食和金融领域,为民众提供可负担和有质量的产品和服务。 “特别是在熟食业,我们透过职总富食客提供可负担、有素质和健康的用餐选项。为调控价格,职总富食客旗下小贩中心和咖啡店,每个摊位独有提供2元至2.80元的经济套餐。” 此外,还有针对低收入消费者的“禾园”社会关怀计划,为消费者提供1.50元起的实惠健康套餐。 1988年创办的Kopitiam,如今拥有56家食阁、21间咖啡店、三个小贩中心和两个中央厨房。集团旗下有上千名员工,管理1000多个熟食摊位。 职总富食客(NTUC Foodfare)旗下则有33家食阁和咖啡店,包括14家食阁、10间咖啡店和九个小贩中心。 收购完成后,富食客和Kopitiam将继续独立营运,现有管理团队和员工不会更动。客户、摊位租户和其他相关业者可以照常运作。