
Trending in the Chinese social media network is a photo of a female farmer carrying two baskets of watermelon in front of three weightlifters.

The original Chinese text accompanying the photo goes like this,

2013年世界大力士争霸赛在郑州举行。主持人@zztv晓燕 :跟随几名大力士到中牟体验挑西瓜,轻松拎起一百多斤的瓜筐,瓜田围满看热闹的老乡,这时,一农村大姐走上前,拎着瓜筐就走,“这都不算啥,我们平时都这样干!” 大力士惊得目瞪口呆。高手在民间呀!

The translated text goes like this,

World’s Strongest Man Competition 2013 organized in Zhengzhou, Henan province. Host, Xiaoyan: Following a few competitors to Zhongmu County to experience the harvesting of watermelons where the competitors easily hauled up the watermelon baskets weighing up to 100 over catties (50kg), attracting a crowd of villagers at the field. At that moment, a middle aged female farmer came forth and picked up the baskets and walked off, saying “This is nothing, we do this all the time”. The competitors were stunned by the sight. There are talents in the normal civilians!

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