Source: The Straits Times

Starting 19 August, people can visit hospitals if they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or are able to show a valid negative COVID-19 test.

This is part of a vaccination-differentiated visitation approach for visitors, set to be implemented at all hospitals to further reduce the risk of importing the virus into hospitals and safeguard hospital capacity, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday (16 Aug).

Currently, hospitals visits have been suspended since 5 August due to the increase in COVID-19 cases detected in the community, including among hospital patients and staff.

This new measure for hospital visitors will complement existing measures such as routine testing for staff and admitted patients which have been in place since May 2021. Starting 1 October, a regular testing regime for staff will kick in as well.

Fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed to enter hospital wards without pre-testing. However, they must show their vaccination status on the HealthHub or TraceTogether app as proof when visiting. Screenshots will not be allowed, said MOH.

Likewise, those who have recovered from COVID-19 and have obtained a valid pre-event test (PET) exemption notice will be allowed to visit as well, the Ministry added.

As for partially vaccinated individuals, they are temporarily exempted from testing requirements until 30 September. However, starting 1 October, partially vaccinated individuals will be required to show a negative pre-visit COVID-19 testing before visiting as they have “not attained sufficient immune protection from COVID-19 vaccination and will be at risk for being infected or may infect hospital patients when they visit their loved ones,“ said MOH.

Pre-visit COVID-19 tests will be required for all unvaccinated visitors. They will not be allowed to enter hospital wards without a valid negative antigen rapid test (ART) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test obtained within 24 hours of the visit.

It is noteworthy that the tests must be administered or supervised by a COVID-19 test provider approved by the MOH. This includes employer directed tests done at quick test centres.

The Ministry also stated that from 1 September, hospitals may assist unvaccinated visitors to make advanced testing arrangements for pre-visit COVID-19 tests at quick test centres.

30 minutes per visit for all visitors regardless of vaccination status

Visits will be limited to 30 minutes for all visitors regardless of vaccination status. Patients can register up to two visitors for each admission and received up to two visitors per day. However, only one visitor at a time will be allowed at the patient’s bedside.

For very ill patients, five registered visitors are allowed for each admission and two visitors are allowed at one time at the bedside.

Exceptions to extend the visitation duration may be made on a case-by-case basis as assessed by the hospital for pediatric patients, birthing mothers, and post-partum mothers.

Further exceptions can be made for patients who require additional care support from caregivers, such as assisting inpatients who have mental incapacities and visitors involved in caregiver training.

These visitors who are allowed extended visitation duration will also be required to obtain a valid negative COVID-19 test regardless of their vaccination status.

MOH also urged unwell or symptomatic individuals not to visit hospitals, regardless of their vaccination status.

However, the Ministry added that hospitals may exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis in exceptional and time-sensitive situations like visiting patients with sudden life-threatening conditions, unexpected childbirth, or individuals with severe physical limitations which restricts their access to pre-visit test providers.

“MOH will calibrate the visitor management measures regularly and we seek the understanding of all visitors, as the measures will protect the patients and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our hospitals,” MOH concluded.

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