Migrant X Me LLP (“MXME”), a social enterprise, has been the subject of controversy and increased public scrutiny over the past couple of days. Many on...
With 618 new COVID-19 cases reported on 25 April, which then brought the total to 12,693 cases in Singapore, Singapore citizens could not help but to further...
According to reports, it has come to light that the S11 dormitory which houses migrant workers has had 2,263 cases of COVID-19 as of 24 April....
Dr Tan Cheng Bock turns 80 on Sunday, 26 April. Instead of sailing off into the sunset, he has chosen to brave the storm. There’s no...
According to news reports, an alleged social worker has aired some rather scarily ignorant and bigoted comments on her Facebook (FB) page. It would appear that...
There are three flaws in the measures taken by Singapore government when dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, including government’s overconfidence, a lack of crisis awareness and...
It was reported that the S11 Dormitory @ Punggol (2 Seletar North Link) run by S11 group now has the most number of confirmed COVID-19 cases...
As of 25 April 2020, 12pm, The Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 618 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...
Singapore’s COVID-19 cases have soared by a single-day record of 897 cases on Friday (24 April), bringing the total number of cases to 12,075 at the...
人力部长杨莉明,今午(25日)在《联合早报》主持的直播节目中,表示若时光能倒流,最想知道病毒什么时段开始在客工群体传播,那么或许阻断措施就能尽早开始,不是等到四月。 《联合早报》记者是在视频对谈中,询问回顾过去两个月,哪些措施可以做得更好或有改善空间,以及在大型客工宿舍和医疗上的探讨。 对此,杨莉明表示“我个人也在反复思考,尤其在夜深人静的时候。” 她说,疫情一开始初期,政府最担心的是从国外引进病毒,故此2月初期就要求回到新加坡的客工,需履行居家通知。但后来也要当心从世界各地返国的国人。 如果时光能倒流,她最希望知道病毒从哪个时段开始,感染已经侵入社区和客工群体。 ”如果当时病例已经开始扩散,我们或许推动阻断措施,不会等到四月。我个人估计,最起码可推前两周。” 她指出,从专家研究也得知客工之间感染不仅是宿舍问题,他们也有共同工作场所如建筑工地等,而工地中工友间共用工具也可能是传染渠道之一。而未落实阻断措施前,整个新加坡都还在活动,”我们又以什么理由要求客工留在宿舍别出来?毕竟他们还要出来工作。“ 疫情稳定后冀检讨客工待遇和住宿条件 她认为,宿舍里、工地和休闲场所落实的防疫措施,必须同时并行,才能阻断疫情扩散。 她也表示,待疫情稳定后,政府需全面检讨客工待遇和住宿条件,以及国家整体的医疗监测,负责任地面对问题。 杨莉明告知BBC:不完美惟尽力而为 早前,杨莉明在接受英国广播公司(BBC)采访时,也坦言“我们并不完美”(we’re not perfect),但我国政府将尽力而为。 “是的,我们在客工宿舍落实社交安全距离措施,若时间能倒退,可以说这些安全距离措施需做得更多。”