Singaporean athlete Theresa Goh with Apple CEO Tim Cook. (Image from Tim Cook / Twitter)

Apple CEO Tim Cook featured Singaporean athlete Theresa Goh in a tweet yesterday (12 December), describing the paralympian as “ a force inside and outside the pool”. Mr Cook also mentioned loving how Ms Goh uses the Apple Watch in her training.

The tweet included a photo of a smiling Tim Cook by the indoor pool of the OCBC Aquatic Centre, talking to an equally smiling Theresa Goh who is in the water and clearly sporting her Apple Watch.
Theresa Goh is Singapore’s swimmer and paralympic medalist, winning a bronze at the SB4 100m breaststroke during the 2016 Summer Paralympics. She also holds the world records for SB4 50 meters and 200 meters breaststroke events.
Ms Goh doesn’t have use of her legs due to a congenital spina bifida. She started swimming at just five years old and started competing at age 12. The now-32-year-old quickly made a name for herself as a top competitor, snagging medals at the ASEAN ParaGames, the Asian Para Games, the International Paralympic Committee World Swimming Championships and the Summer Paralympics.

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