A controversial project to build a multi-story development at the site of the 2002 Bali bombings that killed more than 200 people has been put on...
Diamond jewellery worth $1.7 million, allegedly bought by a Malaysian financier for his mother with money stolen from scandal-hit fund 1MDB, will be handed over to...
If you are a pedestrian attempting to cross the road or hail a cab, what would you do when faced with an oncoming car? Well, the...
Speaking at the May Day Rally yesterday (1 May), the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat pledged that the 4th Gen leaders of his...
Facebook page Singaporean Diary on Merlion Island (獅子島上: 新加坡人生活日記) shared a photo of a Primary 2 Chinese Textbook which deifies Singapore’s first Prime Minister Lee Kwan...
On Monday (29 April), a recently-well-known political activist Brad Bowyer took to his Facebook to question the Education Minister on a number of concerns he has...
全国职工总会劳动节集会在昨日(5月1日)举行,财政部长王瑞杰,也首次以副总理身份,首度在该集会上发表主旨演说。 他再次重申职工运动一直都是人民行动党最重要的伙伴,全国职工总会和行动党的亲密共生关系,是新加坡独特而宝贵的劳资政三方合作关系的基础。 “今天是我首次以行动党下一代领导班子领军人物身份,对大家发言。”他如是告诉现场群众。 称不会抛弃工友 他也和历任总理一样,重申了建国总理李光耀50年前在职总现代化研讨会上做出的承诺,保证行动党和职总的亲密共生关系,将会在第四代领导层以及往后继续下去。” 王瑞杰称行动党珍视和职总关系,并向工运承诺,行动党永远都不会抛弃工友。 同时,第四代领导班子会全心全意帮助年长工人继续就业。 话虽如此,摆在国内劳动者眼前的则是艰巨的挑战和竞争。过去,王瑞杰曾在南洋理工大学的一项活动, 呼吁国人应抱持信心和全球各地不同族群、言语和文化的人交流,并指出“大家不会想活在一个人人筑墙自保的世界。” 国内PMET的困境 他认为,我们必须加深对他人的理解,无论对方是新移民、我们的邻居、大学同侪、还是其他大学的学生,也鼓励学生参与大学间的交换学生计划。 其中一位与会学生,也对王瑞杰抛出问题,询问他对于放眼我国到2030年引进690万人口的立场。但他指出,我国的人口还不算过于稠密,还有其他都市比我国更拥挤,他也引述“城市规划之父”刘太格在2014年的提议,新加坡要保持长远永续成长,就应以人口达到一千万的情况作规划。 然而,政府大开闸招揽外来人才定居我国,本土PMET(专业人士、经理、执行人员和技师)却面对越来越难找到工作的困境。 其中一些高阶PMET就曾揭露,我国的就业市场面对严峻的情况,甚至一些高级人员,也被迫申请薪水较少的初阶职位。 有者也面对就业不足的问题,或是一时找不到工作的情况下,从事非传统的灵活非正职/兼差等,例如驾驶私召车,但是这些非正职收入不稳定,他们也得耗费更多的时间和精力,才能赚取足以维持生活的薪资。 如果王瑞杰领导的新领导班子不会抛弃工友,那么摆在他们眼前的本地劳动者,才是他们应该正面回答的。
Former PAP lawmaker Inderjit Singh said that Singapore could be a world leader in the fight against fake news but only if the proposed Protection from...
Founder of People’s Voice Party and lawyer Lim Tean has expressed his willingness to assist a group of retail investors wishing to seek legal recourse against...
On Tuesday (30 April), a Thai woman named Chamnikrai Auraiporn was sentenced to four months’ jail and fined S$3,750 after she confessed to helping to manage...