NUS Students’ Union “extremely disappointed” with town hall meeting regarding on-campus sexual misconduct

Despite lauding the National University of Singapore (NUS)’s swift response to its…

Education Minister empowers students, echoes their calls for change of policy on sexual misconduct – but will that actually happen?

When a student from the National University of Singapore (NUS) Monica Baey…

200 pupils affected by gastroenteritis outbreak at Zhenghua Primary School; MOH and SFA jointly investigating incident

Zhenghua Primary School was hit by the latest gastroenteritis outbreak last week,…

NUS town hall timeline: There’s a gulf between students and management at, many left dissatisfied

Following outcry from students over how the sexual misconduct case of Monica…

Singaporean employees prefer instant feedback from their manager compared to the traditional yearly job performance reviews: Randstad Singapore

As the working environment changes and working relationships become more informal, Randstad…


南洋理工大学再传偷拍事件! 据《今日报》报导,本月18日,警方接获投报,指一名女学生在宿舍浴室洗澡时,遭一名22岁男子偷拍。 此前,媒体报导同样是在南大,一名男子在南大三号学生宿舍浴室洗澡时,遭另一名男子偷拍。只不过涉案男子并非该校寄宿生。 警方则在今日向媒体证实,正调查发生有关女生被偷拍案件。事件发生在4月17日,一名20岁女受害者,在Tamarind Hall宿舍冲凉,突然发现有人用手机从澡间门上偷拍。 受害者穿好衣服后试图追踪涉案嫌犯的下落,未能成功。她向友人透露事发经过后,受害者决定向校园保安投报。 受害者隔天在职员的陪同下,到警局报案。校方关怀小组也正给予女学生援助和支持。据了解,涉及这起偷拍案的,亦是一名南大学生。 此前,南大和新加坡管理大学,都曾表示会采取相应措施,更完善地保护学生。在纪律处分等方面,会持续检讨纪律处分指导框架,以学生的安全为首要考量。  

NUS students call for more accountability and security, management redirects questions to review committee

More than 500 students flocked to the auditorium in the Stephen Riady…

PM Lee: Online falsehoods to ‘manipulate opinions, influence elections’ will be checked

In a speech at the 29th Inter-Pacific Bar Association conference yesterday (25…

Fake news bills and ASEAN human rights declaration

by Teo Soh Lung This is really crazy. I have read so…