There are a high percentage of Malaysians who work and travel daily to Singapore from Johor Bharu. They usually embrace the horrendous traffic to cross the...
The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has expressed its willingness to join its efforts with those of other opposition parties in Singapore to achieve a common goal,...
Jose Raymond of the Singapore People’s Party took to Facebook to suggest ways for the government to provide better support to Singaporeans in taking care of...
When it comes to the Central Provident Fund (CPF), it’s an issue that will definitely spark debates given its sensitivity. Recently, Minister of Manpower Josephine Teo...
Taking a look at Heng Swee Keat’s tenure as Finance Minister, Channel NewsAisa says his annual budgets have shifted to allow the business community more leverage...
Following Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan’s extended medical leave as a result of an arm fracture after a fall last week, Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan has...
It definitely has not been a good couple of months for Singapore Post (SingPost). The mail company has been involved in a series of troubles due...
Singapore’s big name Ex-Internationals rolled back the years at the Our Tampines Hub on Friday, 22 February 2019 as they entertained fans at the inaugural Chiam...
Singapore is certainly no stranger to being sensitive about so called “foreign interference” in our domestic affairs. It is after all in name of the foreign...
我国前外交部长杨荣文,上月底在“新加坡透视”(Singapore Perspectives)论坛上发表讲话时说,他日前带印尼前外长马蒂到樟宜海滩,原本想向他介绍日据时期发生的“肃清大屠杀”历史,却发现原先有四种官方语文和日语的纪念碑,被只有英语的纪念碑取代。 杨荣文认为,这形同“刻意削砍掉我们的文化基因,否定我们自身的强项和宝贵遗产”,文化同质化的新加坡,将会是“非常不有趣”的新加坡。 他也指出,除了四语外加上日文解说,是因为让日本人知道这段历史,也是重要的。 杨荣文的反映也获得各家媒体跟进报导,《海时》在本月也18日的报导指出,在国内36个重要纪念碑、旅游景点和公共机构,至少有40巴仙并没有展示所有四大官方语言:中文、英语、马来语和淡米尔语。 对此本地语言历史学者陈丹枫,也认为坚持在公共地点使用四大官方语言的告示,乃是因为语言触及狮城所有国人的生活,也是确保我国不会失去多元语言特色的有效方法之一。 “当全球许多国家的语言也越趋多样化,我国应当反思是否值得反其道而行,走向语言同质化。” 显然国家文物局也听到了杨荣文等人的反映,在上周五于脸书回应,感谢杨荣文对樟宜海滩历史纪念碑的反馈。 “二战史是新加坡历史的重要部分。有鉴于他的显著意义,我们认同杨荣文先生的观点,这些历史景点纪念碑,都应以四大官方语言注释,加上日语,让国人和游客都能更好地了解、反思新加坡曾经经历过的那段战时历史。” 文物局也表示,会重新设计并树立有上述五种语言的纪念碑,以其在内容意义的呈现和方便阅读等实际考量取得平衡。与此同时,也寻求借助科技等其他方法,方便访客们获得更多有关这些历史景点的资讯。