Singapore’s big name Ex-Internationals rolled back the years at the Our Tampines Hub on Friday, 22 February 2019 as they entertained fans at the inaugural Chiam See Tong Sports Fund Charity Shield.

Despite going down 6-2 to 2018 National Football League Division Two champions Singapore Khalsa Association, the likes of Malek Awab, Mohd Noor Ali, Tay Peng Kee, Shahri Rahim, Steven Tan and so many more let their feet do the talking as they proved that age was not a barrier to staying fit and remaining active in football.

Singapore’s Ex-Internationals scored through Richard Bok and Azhar Baksin.

The match was organised to raise funds for the Chiam See Tong Sports Fund to aid under-resourced athletes. Slightly more than $3000 was raised through tickets sales and donations.

The Guest of Honour for the match was Senior Minister of State for Law and Health Edwin Tong, who is also a Vice-President of the Football Association of Singapore, and a Member of Parliament for Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency.

Said Jose Raymond, the chairman of the organising committee of the Chiam See Tong Sports Fund Charity Shield 2019, “We strongly advocate a many hands of deck approach in seeking solutions to help raise the profile of our athletes.

“Sports brings people together and helps us build social unity and community bonding.

“It also serves as an avenue to help many find alternative career paths. It is our duty at the Chiam See Tong Sports Fund to help our young Singaporeans achieve their dreams.”

Added Mohd Noor Ali, who is head coach of Singapore Premier League side Geylang International, “The football family needs to do our part to help the many underprivileged among us. Football helped me become who I am today, and it is our duty now to help others around us.”

The Chiam See Tong Sports Fund Charity Shield was sanctioned by the Football Association of Singapore.

Apart from the Charity Shield, the Fund organised the Splash for Singapore swimathon in December at the Aquatic Performance Swim Club, and is looking towards another fundraising dinner towards the final quarter of 2019.

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