Singapore’s sole turtle and tortoise museum is expected to move to Yishun in 2019

After 18 years at the Chinese Garden, the Live Turtle and Tortoise…

Dodgy construction causing flash floods in Singapore – is it worth it?

This year, 128 contractors have been prosecuted and fined by Public Ultilities…

MINDEF promotes Army Chief BG Goh to rank of Major-General

MINDEF issued a statement yesterday (26 Dec) saying that its Chief of…

Straits Times and Channel NewsAsia limit news circulation of Leong suing PM Lee by not posting their stories on Facebook

Following the news of veteran Singaporean blogger’s Leong Sze Hian defence and countersuit…

Is suing a fellow citizen the Prime Minister’s signature act of the year?

It would appear to be so because there is no other act…

About 90 households affected by pipe leak at Potong Pasir a day after Christmas

A fountain for Christmas? A massive pipe leak at Block 101 Potong…

Actress & artist Lucy Liu to feature in Singapore Contemporary Art Exhibition in 2019

The Ryan Foundation in collaboration with the National Museum of Singapore is…

Thai parliament legalises marijuana for medicinal purposes as a “New Year’s gift” to the people

While many South-east Asian nations are known for having strict laws against…

Train delay along the EWL on Thursday morning

The train service along the East West Line (EWL) experienced delay on…

关卡通关拥堵投诉 尚穆根归咎人手不足

针对近期兀兰和大士关卡堵塞和交通混乱投诉不断增加,内政部长尚穆根归咎于移民局面对人手不足问题。 但他指出,人手短缺并非只在移民局出现,许多部门也面临同样问题。 他在今天巡视兀兰关卡时表示,在年末佳节期间,每天的乘客量比平时增加10巴仙,在大士和兀兰关卡通关人数增加至43万人。 当局增派人手,单在上周就增加500多名关卡人员加班工作。但基于安全因素,尚穆根未透露实际部署的关卡人员总数。 “关卡人员只能由国人担任” 据《今报》报导,尚穆根告诉记者,移民局人手仍不足,因为关卡人员只能由新加坡人来担任。 他强调,关卡人员都已经竭尽所能工作,在佳节期间,只有10巴仙的职员获准拿假。 针对一些柜台关闭的情况,尚穆根解释职员都是根据实际的需求进行部署,例如出境处通关流量较多,就调派多些人手过去,反之亦然。 他指出,职员根本没有闲暇翘脚,他们可能被调派到人流量更高的岗位,长时间工作。也有柜台改为专门处理罗厘的出入境。 两周前,关卡出现大排长龙现象,有民众堵在车龙中达八小时,一些网民指出,移民局并没有开放更多柜台,来疏导缓慢和拥堵的通关情况。 不过,尚穆根相信运用科技能进一步舒缓和增加通关的效率。当局正研究长期性的措施,相信能在不久后对外公布详情。 此外,他也呼吁关卡职员在年末期间仍需保持警惕,保障通关来往旅客民众的安全。…