FMSS director’s phone conversation with KPMG employee revealed intention to remove allegedly “hopeless” AHTC chairperson Sylvia Lim

Tensions heightened during the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) trial as a phone…

Bus and train fares to increase by 6 cents per journey starting end of December this year: Public Transport Council

Starting 29 Dec this year, commuters holding travel cards may expect an…

Humanity has set off the 6th mass-extinction event, says leading scientists

The human race has less than two years to save the planet,…

Education Ministry taskforce to find ways of leveling the playing field for students of different socio-economic backgrounds

Second Education Minister Indranee Rajah wants Singapore to find a way to…

UK green lights extradition of Canadian national accused of S$30,000 bank robbery

The United Kingdom has agreed to extradite the Canadian national, David James…

Electric buses in Singapore to cost approximately double than those in Shenzhen under the same operator?

Shenzhen has placed itself on the map as the world’s first –…

Indranee says stop thinking people in terms of social class but her boss wants SG to have natural aristocracy

Responding to a question on class divide at a dialogue yesterday (29…

Lim Tean forms new political party, Peoples V which promises to involve citizens in the process of democracy

Former leader for the National Solidarity Party (NSP), Lim Tean has finally…


昨日,我国人力部长杨莉明声称,为解决社会不平等而推行最低工资,最终将导致就业率低、员工转向非法工作的问题。 社会不平等现象的其中一个忧虑是,大多数弱势群体会集中在较贫困的家庭。为此,有人建议推行最低工资制度,帮助这些员工走出贫困。 不过,杨莉明认为,这个制度可能迫使雇主支付一些劳工超出市场价格的工资,导致低薪员工必须缴付更高的税务。 她说:“不是所有的雇主愿意花这些钱雇用员工,这可能降低就业率。为保住工作,一些工友可能选择低于最低薪金的非法工作,而这可能使他们更加脆弱。” 杨莉明说,政府选择推行就业入息补助等计划,效果类似最低工资,不过这笔费用由政府承担,因此降低了失业和非法就业的风险。 职总秘书长黄志明则强调最低薪资制有利弊,可能无法达到雇主的生产需求,员工也可能无法获得加薪。 他不忘为现有渐进式薪金制(progressive wage)背书,认为这有助员工在提升技能和生产力后,逐渐获得升迁和加薪的模式,比制定最低工资来得好。 梁实轩:约15万雇员薪资少过千元 金融服务专业协会前主席暨时评人梁实轩,则针对《海峡时报》一篇比较最低薪资和渐进式薪资制度的文章作出回应,指出大家在比较两个制度的论述中,似乎忽略掉了重要的数据。 他在博文中指出,根据2017年人力资源统计,国内有15万7500雇员(包括公积金会员)的薪资少过1千元。 如果扣除了存入公积金的20巴仙工资,这些雇员可以使用的收入,不就只剩下不到800元了吗?…