Indian state minister says Amaravati capital low priority while Vivian says to give them time

Yesterday (10 Sep), at the India-Singapore Business and Innovation Summit held in…

S$1.4 billion spent on private tuition in 2018 by households in Singapore, according to Department of Statistics

Based on a report on household expenditure survey for 2017 and 2018…

CNA's 'Killer Heat' episode of Why it Matters explores the effects of rising temperatures in Singapore

The hot weather we’re experiencing might not be just temporary or seasonal…

New potential GE candidates should walk the ground early to gain acceptance and understand residents’ problems, says Ng Eng Hen

On Saturday (7 September), Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen stated that potential…

李玮玲再发文:爸爸厌恶个人崇拜 认为故居必须拆除

近日有段时日未曾在脸书更新的总理妹妹李玮玲,今晚在脸书抛下重磅弹,再针对欧思礼路38号故居申诉其观点。 “在2015年4月13日的国会特别环节,我的哥哥李显龙说:“李光耀先生对于欧思礼38号故居的立场多年来坚定不移,与他终身价值观完全一致。我们应尊重他与妻子的意愿。” 李玮玲揶揄,打那以后,李显龙似乎试图改写爸爸对拆故居的立场,让人令人难以置信“李光耀在自己坚定不移的意愿上,摇摆不定”,现在他反倒说: “然而,在听取内阁一致认为故居不应被拆除的意见后,李光耀最终接受政府有可能出于公共利益而保留该产业,因此愿意灵活处理和考虑拆屋以外的选项。“ 李玮玲指出,妈妈柯玉芝在2010年逝世后,李显龙引导爸爸和家人相信,欧思礼故居已被政府宪报为文化遗产,或者在爸爸离世后被宪报无可避免。 2013年11月/12月,爸爸对此曾存有怀疑,与他的律师柯金梨讨论在遗嘱中提及“去宪报”(degazetting)的事项。 李玮玲指出,父亲生前就已明言,当玮玲不再需要时,就可拆除掉欧思礼38号故居。爸爸说话不拐弯抹角。但是内阁还特地成立了特别委员会来臆测爸爸的真实意图! “如我在此前的脸书贴文所言,任何人若还不清楚爸爸希望如何处置故居,是相当愚蠢和无知的。他(李光耀)耗尽一生照看新加坡人的福祉,而他所求回报仅仅是拆掉故居,不必对民众开放,更糟的是变成一个神殿。” 李玮玲强调,爸爸对个人崇拜极为反感,迄今也鲜有重要建筑以他的名字命名。他认为如果国人要记得他的贡献,只要看看繁荣的都会和我们所生活的社会就可。 “另一个爸爸要拆除故居的私人原因是因为妈妈,妈妈愿意短暂扮演总理夫人的角色,但不希望公众闯入他们的宅院游荡,这当然是国家建设以外的次要因素。” 但李玮玲确信,塑造李光耀的个人崇拜对新加坡只有弊害。“爸爸死后我必须向前走,新加坡人也是。一味回头向往已经死去的领袖,意味着这个国家不会从现状中进步。” “但问题是人民行动党试图在打造对李光耀的个人崇拜,我希望这会消失。这并不是因为我不孝,而是因为我希望新加坡能在李光耀以后还能继续繁荣进步。所以,我走后欧思礼故居必须拆除。”…

61-year-old man and young girl hit by car making discretionary right turn at pedestrian crossing in Bukit Batok

A 61-year-old man and a young girl were crossing a road junction…

It should be a rule that the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee be announced as soon as it is formed, says Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss

Last week on 4 September, the Elections Department announced that the Electoral…

Man pleads guilty to leaving toy grenade at MRT exit station in an attempt to chase away Hong Lim Park protesters in 2017

In 2017, almost 800 people gathered at Hong Lim Park to take…

An outpouring of grief for the passing of 72-year-old Dr Wong Wee Nam, veteran opposition politician

Opposition veteran Dr Wong Wee Nam has passed away on Saturday, 7…

Woman who drove against traffic flow in Chinatown arrested, has her licence suspended

A 32-year-old woman who was filmed driving a black Mercedes-Benz against the…