Personal loans are now a critical financial tool

by Ed Seycota Some people consider personal loans frivolous. It is one…

Consular assistance will be given to Singaporeans detained overseas in accordance to local laws, says Foreign Affairs Minister

On 4 February (Tuesday), Foreign Affairs Minister said in Parliament that his…

第19例病患丈夫、幼儿也感染 本地添四起新冠病毒确诊病例

卫生部在昨晚(5日)发文,指截至5日下午2时,本地再添四起新型冠状病毒确诊病例。其中一名还是年仅六月大的男婴。 这使得本地迄今累计的新冠确诊病例,已增至28起。 第25起病例,是一名40岁新加坡籍男子。他近期内未曾到过中国,他是本月4日第24起确诊病例(本地导游)的丈夫。 男子的妻子曾带团到永泰行,即第19名和第20名患者的工作地点。 上月30日,男子和妻子一同到后港诊所,本月3日到国家传染病中心隔离,并于4日晚8时确诊。 住院前他住在后港万国埔(Buangkok Green)住处、曾到过位于海港通道(Harbour Drive)的公司,以及乘搭公交前往巴西班让熟食中心。 第26起病例,是第13起确诊病例(73岁中国女性)的女儿。她和家人在上月21日,从武汉抵新加坡。她和母亲同日出现症状,都被送往国家传染病中心隔离,直至4日晚8时确诊。 在本月4日宣布确诊第19例病患、28岁的永泰行女职员,她的两名家人也确诊患病,包括她45岁的新加坡籍丈夫和六月大儿子。他们是第27和28位病患。他们一家近期都不曾到过中国。 上述男婴也是本地年纪最小的确诊患者,他目前在竹脚妇幼医院的隔离病房。 卫生部称,目前七起确诊病例,跟此前在1月22日、23日和27日到过本地的广西旅游团有关,中方确认该团有两人确诊。…

South Korea confirms new case of coronavirus; man infected after attending conference in Singapore

South Korea has confirmed two new cases of the deadly coronavirus in…

Khaw Boon Wan: Emergence of shared bicycles and e-scooters ended SG’s first automated underground bicycle parking system

The rapid growth in popularity of shared bicycles and e-scooters in Singapore…

UK government: Sale of diesel and gasoline cars will cease by 2035

By the year 2035, the UK government is looking to terminate the…

New coronavirus patient initially discharged due to lack of symptoms; subsequently tested positive

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed six new cases of the…

SGInnovate study: Talent retention in Singapore’s science and technology industry remains a challenge

According to the recent local survey results released on Tuesday (4 Feb),…

MAS looking to issue environmental risk management paper to financial institutions in 2020 Q1

Education Minister Ong Ye Kung announced in Parliament on Tuesday (4 Feb)…