The Court of Three Judges’ (COTJ) decision to find senior lawyer Lee Suet Fern guilty of professional misconduct and suspend her from legal practice was one...
The Singapore population is “being conditioned to accept greater surveillance”, and such is why people must be wary of “the government spin machine whirring into action”,...
Minister-in-charge of the Smart Nation Initiative Vivian Balakrishnan said on Friday (8 January) that he acknowledged making a mistake when characterising the use of TraceTogether data...
Indian forces have detained a Chinese soldier on the disputed Himalayan frontier where the world’s two most populous countries fought a deadly battle last year, the...
A Chinese former journalist who once urged the United States to help “tear down” Beijing’s online censorship regime has been sentenced to a year and a...
An Indonesian budget airline plane with 62 people on board is suspected to have crashed into the sea shortly after the Boeing 737 took off from Jakarta...
China on Saturday introduced new rules to counter “unjustified” laws and measures that other countries might apply to its companies and citizens, as tensions with the...
As of Saturday noon (9 Jan), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 29 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the total...
盛港集选区议员何廷儒与辣玉莎,分别在上月31日和本月1日分别顺利产子,目前仍在休养中。 工人党领袖发挥团队精神,已卸下议员职的前党魁刘程强,今早在工人党秘书长毕丹星陪同下,一同走访何廷儒与辣玉莎的万国(Buangkok)及康埔桦(Compassvale)分区。 何廷儒也在脸书发文感谢刘程强,欣见老人家仍看起来精神奕奕,也乐于联络基层居民。毕丹星也分享,本周稍早前,主席林瑞莲和李丽连也协助主持家访和会见人民活动。 在何廷儒辣玉莎两人待产时,毕丹星已表示,她们每周的接见选民活动、家访和走访选区等工作,将交由该党成员轮流协助。 该党前党魁刘程强、方荣发、李丽连、陈俊元、佘雪玲、余振忠、符策涫,以及何廷儒的丈夫陈励正等人,也会从旁提供援助。
Ministers are not paid millions of dollars and staffed with “a multi-million-dollar team” for them to make “honest mistakes” or make “more promises”, said Red Dot...