As masks are becoming a staple in the “new normal” era, Japanese company Nagaya Printing Co Ltd has developed an ingenious way to get around the anonymity of having half your face covered.

While mainly focused on printing catalogues, calendars, and ads inserts for newspapers, Nagaya Printing was already planning to expand into textile printing when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

Thinking quickly and creatively, the company started off by producing bespoke masks for its clientele.

This included masks with QR codes on them and even social media handles to promote events or businesses. However, when a request came in to print a customer’s business card onto a mask, a light bulb went off.

The Japan Times quoted company spokesperson Mayuko Suzumura as saying that the response to the idea was unexpected.

“After the mask was launched, our website attracted 650 times more visits than the previous period,” said Suzumura.

These masks, known as Meishi (business cards) masks, are three-layered and made of 100% cotton. It is available on the company website for about ¥1,500 (about S$19.35). They come in three models: reception, sales, and business activity.

Inspired by this, Nagaya Printing is now setting its eyes on campaigning politicians.

Suzumura said: “Having your face hidden during an election campaign can be a huge disadvantage.”

“We believe that masks printed with a party’s name, logo or slogan could make the candidate more appealing and trustworthy.“

Nagaya Printing was founded in 1919 and is based in Nagoya, Japan.

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