Not only that the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has failed to set minimum wage levels for workers in Singapore, it even “fights constructive opposition suggestions...
Britain said Thursday it had agreed a provisional trade deal with Norway, Switzerland and two other non-EU partners to ensure continuity after its Brexit divorce from...
Global financial titan Goldman Sachs was fined US$350 million by Hong Kong’s securities watchdog on Thursday for its role in the massive 1MDB Malaysian bribery scandal,...
China on Thursday threatened to make a “legitimate and necessary” retaliation over the US sale of $1 billion worth of missiles to Taiwan as Beijing becomes...
The Straits Times published an article on Wednesday highlighting how the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) has dealt with some of the...
(Jakarta, 22 October 2020) ‒ We, 60 organisations across Asia, stand in solidarity with the peaceful democracy movement in Thailand as it continues to push for fundamental freedoms...
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) has clarified on Thursday (22 Oct) that the notice to creditors for submission of proof of debt or...
Previously on 29 September, the Ministry of Health had released a press statement on its website, inviting Singaporeans to their suggestions on the increase of MediShield...
The member of Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Jeffrey Khoo took to Facebook on Thursday (22 October) to encourage Singaporeans to report on employers who practice unfair...
女佣原本开开心心陪雇主一家,到樟宜侏罗纪步道( Changi Jurassic Mile)走走,岂料飞来横祸,被一粒高尔夫球击中头部! 网民Derek Yap在脸书分享此事,警惕民众注意。事缘Derek Yap一家,昨日(22日)傍晚6时许到侏罗纪步道参观。突然传来巨响,随即就看到女佣抱着头部蹲在地上,表情痛苦并流泪。 事主也很快察觉到,女佣可能是被飞来的高尔夫球击中,因为丹那美拉乡村俱乐部(Tanah Merah Country Club)就在邻近。所幸附近的策安保安见状立即通报主管,随后机场救护车就赶到。 经过医护人员检查,女佣被击中头部至瘀伤,Derek Yap表示所幸女佣目前状况无大碍。 据他在贴文所述,樟宜机场集团的抵境体验经理,提及过去他们也曾反映,高尔夫球可能飞来步道的隐忧。不过,俱乐部管理高层却保证,由于风向因素,高尔夫球不会击中民众,所以无需设置网罩来保护民众! Derek Yap指出,他被告知这是首次发生有人遭高尔夫球飞击的事故,他坦言,如果高尔夫球击中的是老人或小孩,后果不堪设想。 “直到有任何保护措施设立前,我建议在这里骑行的脚踏车骑士,务必要戴好头盔,若与孩子同行最好打伞。” Today 22 October 2020 at 6pm, I took the...