Starting tomorrow (9 October), Singapore Post (SingPost) staff, which include postmen and parcel ambassadors for courier arm Speedpost, will have new uniforms.

The uniform’s new design was introduced by SingPost today — the first for its entire suite of postal uniforms since 2011.

In December, the company revealed new uniforms for its frontline staff across all 56 post offices and the Philatelic Stores.

The new uniform comes with the company’s corporate colours – white, red and blue – which indicate its 163 years of history, SingPost said.

“The new look is streamlined to be bold, symbolic and unified so as to present a modern and relevant take on the storied history of Singapore’s postal service, even as SingPost embarks on Singapore’s urban transformation with its Smart Letterbox initiative and the job upskilling of the postman,” it added.

The new design will be featured on more than 10 different garments, which include shirts, outerwear, aprons and headgear.

The company said that it consulted with postmen regarding the uniforms, which were designed to be “both practical and contemporary, which still enabling its postal workforce to carry out their duties in comfort”.

As for the material of the uniform, it is made of polyester, viscose and cotton. SingPost said it is “breathable, comfortable yet robust, making it suitable for delivery work in Singapore’s humid climate”.

It added, “A key feature of the uniform is the use of ventilation flaps with inner mesh on the back, to ensure that the postman remains cool and well-ventilated throughout the day as they go about their work outdoors”.

Netizens’ reactions to the new uniforms were mixed.

Commenting on CNA’s Facebook page, a bunch of them questioned the need to have a new design when the focus for the company should be to improve its service.

They said that SingPost should concentrate on not throwing away customers’ mails or parcels, and deliver letters on time.

Some of them even suggested that the money spent to design new uniforms should instead be used to do more for their staff, who are generally overworked.

On the other hand, a group of people applauded SingPost for designing new uniforms for its staff.

They said that it is nice to see “extra efforts” from the company to increase the “comfort of our postmen and staff”. One user said that the new uniform “looks good” and professional.

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