AirAsia aircrafts on departure terminal at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2)

AirAsia is gearing up for the resumption of flights between Malaysia and Singapore, including the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore route that is touted to be the world’s busiest.

This comes after the decision by the Governments of Malaysia and Singapore to open up cross-border travel for essential business and official purposes between both countries via the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) scheme.

The RGL scheme requires eligible travellers to abide by the prevailing COVID-19 prevention and public health measures mutually agreed upon by both countries, which includes undergoing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab tests.

For a start, AirAsia will launch daily flights between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and one weekly flight each between Singapore and Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, and Ipoh.

These flights are scheduled for the week of 17 August 2020, subject to further announcements by the Governments.

Other international flights may soon follow, subject to approval from respective authorities.

In a press statement on Monday (3 Aug), AirAsia Group CEO Tan Sri Tony Fernandes said that the airline is thoroughly committed towards resuming air connectivity and thus reviving economic activities in the region.

He went on to say, “Both countries have performed exceptionally well in keeping the spread of COVID-19 in check especially amongst the local populations. Both the Governments and the people of Malaysia and Singapore deserve a pat on the back for their relentless efforts and strict discipline in breaking the COVID-19 chain.”

“The RGL might only be the first step but certainly is most important as both countries start to revive the economy. We look forward to the formation of more ‘travel bubbles’ and ‘green lanes’ between countries with low infection rates or active cases, and proven pandemic curbing systems.”

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