It was reported that NTUC and its affiliated unions were able to stop the unfair retrenchment practices by aircraft maintenance and repair company Eagle Services Asia last week. The company is a joint venture between SIA Engineering and American aerospace manufacturer Pratt & Whitney.

NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng, who is no longer a Cabinet minister and MP, was personally involved in handling the union dispute with the company.

In fact, Ng had earlier authorised the unions to prepare for legal strike should the management of the company refuse to budge. The company was said to be “lack of transparency” and “disregard” for negotiations with the unions.

The last legal strike in Singapore happened in 1986 when then NTUC’s secretary-general Ong Teng Cheong authorised a 2-day strike by members of the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union against an American company.

Eagle Services Asia had initially wanted to retrench 144 workers with the majority (56 per cent) being Singaporeans. Legal strike was averted after the company capitulated and “corrected” its retrenchment process. The final retrenchment list would consist of around 44 per cent Singaporeans, with the rest being foreigners.

Ng said that the parties had reviewed the selection criteria to ensure that the Singaporean core of the workforce is safeguarded.

MD of Eagle Services Asia came from RSAF

According to SIA Engineering website, the Managing Director of its joint venture company Eagle Services Asia is Yip Ying Kiong.

And according to Yip’s LinkedIn information, Yip came from RSAF.

“I started my working career in the RSAF as a young civilian officer in Paya Lebar Air Base upon graduation with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from NUS in 1989,” he said.

“I spent 6 years in RSAF specializing in Aircraft Propulsion. Little would I know that I would one day manage and lead PW’s largest Engine Center with close to 800 employees!”

He was appointed Managing Director of the joint venture company Eagle Services Asia in 2016.

“Since my appointment, there were numerous milestones as we execute our Business Transformation,” he added.

Yip said he was initially with the company as its Director of Customer & Business Strategies.

“I was instrumental in leading significant improvement to customer relationships, driving incremental business and establishing long term strategic directions for ESA. This laid my foundation to eventually lead ESA as the Managing Director,” he claimed.


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