MOH confirms 513 new cases of COVID-19 infection; Total tally at 49,888

As of Saturday noon (25 July), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has…

Successors are ever so elusive for Singapore’s power couple

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said earlier this month that he was…

新加坡男子在美国认罪 承认替中国套取情报

据外媒报导,美国司法部昨日(24日)宣称,一名新加坡男子杨俊伟(Dickson Yeo Jun Wei译音),承认以顾问公司为掩护,替中国向美政府及军方人员套取情报! 他被控作为“外国特务”,从事非法行为,报导称他早在2015年,开始为中国情报人员工作,初期以其他亚洲国家的目标为主,其后专注于美国。 2019年11月,杨俊伟飞抵美国时被捕,华盛顿法院将在10月9日作出裁决,他面临最高10年监禁刑罚。 美方指控他接近高级别国安权限的美方军方及政府雇员,利诱对方提供非公开情报。 2018年,杨俊伟成立一家虚构顾问公司,收集了超过400份履历,90巴仙都是有安全权限许可的美方军事或政府人员,这些资料较后转交北京。 他在招聘平台也物色可能掌握贵重情报的人物,根据中国提供的指引,找出他们的弱点,包括是否对工作不满或遇到财政困难等,从而拉拢对方。 杨俊伟会付2000美元给上钩对象,要他们交出报告,包括“一名参与空军F-35B匿踪战斗机计划的文职人员”、“一名国防部官员”、“一名曾在阿富汗服役的国防部军官”,杨会声称这是他亚洲客户要的资料,但事实上是交给中国政府。 杨俊伟承认,他完全知道是在替中国情报机关工作,曾和代理人见面数十次,到中国时也会受到特殊待遇。

US-China ties fray as Beijing’s Houston consulate is closed

by Julia Benarrous / with Paul Handley in Washington and Leo Ramirez…

Singaporean pleads guilty in US to working for Chinese intelligence

A Singaporean pleaded guilty Friday to using his political consultancy in the…

Perhaps unwittingly, the MOE could be seen as complicit in ingraining young minds with racist and ignorant prejudices

In the not too distant past, member of parliament (MP) for Sengkang…

Ong Ye Kung’s breaching of rules: Complainant questions police on whether it has properly discharged its duties, has authority to delegate investigations to ARO

The individual who filed a police report against Minister Ong Ye Kung…

Indian actor who allegedly was “cancelled” by Xiaxue over racism questions her right to be angry at “cancel culture” over racism

Shrey Bhargava called out Xiaxue publicly for condemning the “cancel culture” that…

Decades of global gains can be wiped out as prolonged low interest rates threaten recovery, warns Tharman

People’s Action Party’s (PAP) senior politician and MP Tharman Shanmugaratnam pointed out…