Source: Indranee Rajah Facebook / PAP Site

Both female and male politicians have expressed concerns over the “lenient” sentence of an undergraduate’s physical assault case. They have also called for Minister of Home Affairs (MHA) to look into the matter as they decried violence against women.

PAP Women’s Wing and PAP Women Members of Parliament denounce violence against women

In a press statement posted on Indranee Rajah’s Facebook on Tuesday (21 Jul), the People’s Action Party (PAP) Women’s Wing and PAP Women Members of Parliament (MP) shared her disappointment in the sentence that “appears disproportionate to the offence”.

Ms Rajah is the MP for Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency (GRC).

Yin Zi Qin was given a community-based sentence where he was ordered to serve a short detention of 12 days, fulfil a day reporting order for five months with counselling and complete 80 hours of community service over a year.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) Dentistry student strangled his ex-girlfriend and caused her left eye to bleed from excessive pressure after she refused to rekindle their relationship.

Yin was sentenced on Friday (17 Jul) for these offences that he committed in May 2019.

The press statement continued to say that the two groups “strongly denounce violence against women”.

Although they respect the institutions and judicial system, they have “shared (their) concerns with (Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam) who has committed to look further into this matter”.

Politicians of both genders voice concerns

Male MPs have since taken to social media to voice their support for this probe and emphasised their stance on violence against women.

Tan Chuan-Jin agreed with the press statement as he felt the “verdict by the judge appears lenient”.

“Hope there is an appeal to this case,” said the MP for Marine Parade GRC.

Baey Yam Keng, MP for Tampines GRC, expressed his support for his “female colleagues, all women and girls”.

Dr Tan Wu Meng supported this statement denouncing violence against women as well as he is a father with young daughters. He is an MP for Jurong GRC.

Female MPs such as Sun Xueling, Tin Pei Ling, Cheryl Chan and Dr Amy Khor have echoed similar sentiments.

Ms Sun said she has raised the issue to MHA and that Mr Shanmugam will be saying something on the matter in time. She is the MP for Punggol West Single Member Constituency (SMC).

Ms Tin, MP for MacPherson SMC, and Cheryl Chan, MP for East Coast GRC, both denounced all forms of violence, especially against women.

NUS previously released a statement on its Facebook page on Monday (20 Jul) stating that Yin is currently serving a suspension and is banned from entering the campus temporarily.

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