Singapore People’s Party (SPP) candidate for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC Khan Osman Sulaiman took to his Facebook on Thursday (25 June), questioning the competency of the People Action Party (PAP)’s Malay candidates in addressing the issues faced by the Malay community.

Mr Osman doubted the effectiveness of these “so-called” talented candidates – who come from “illustrious background” – in affecting change for the Malay community.

In his post, he also revealed a few issues that are faced by the Malay community in Singapore.

Mr Osman questioned what have the PAP candidates contributed to improve the situation in which the Malay community still fall behind other ethnic races in academic achievements for over 50 years.

He also asked whether the candidates have lobbied the Government to change its position on the employment discrimination for those who wear headgears.

“Malays remain disproportionately represented among the lowest income groups, as well as on the receiving end of structural discrimination for decades,” said Mr Osman, adding that they continue to lag behind the other communities in education, employment, and household income.

“The PAP has revealed new faces for its Malay candidates. I have no doubt that they are of good standing but what are their plans to address the above issues considering that for the past 50 years, the others have failed?” he wrote.

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