Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Secretary-General of the Reform Party (RP), said that he was “delighted by the overwhelming public messages of support” as he started his second outreach video on the party’s Facebook page, titled ‘No more three-cornered fights! How to help opposition unity’.

Mr Jeyaretnam and his party are planning to put up “a very strong fight this election,” as they focus on opposition unity, because “the opposition has more in common than (we) are divided, particularly on the economic front”.

“We all want to see transparency and accountability, we more or less want to see the same policies,” he continued.

On Wednesday night (24 June), Mr Jeyaretnam tweeted a photo of Tan Jee Say – founder of Singaporeans First (SingFirst) – and him having a dosa dinner with the hashtag #OppositionUnity

Advocating for a minimum wage, child benefits of S$300 per person, and investigation into the reserves of Singapore are all part of his policy manifesto for RP.

“There’s no reason why we have 1.5 trillion of reserves, but we cannot support social safety nets for Singaporeans,” Mr Jeyaretnam opined.

On the same night, the dates of the party’s campaign walkabouts and house visits were announced. The party will begin at noon on Thursday (25 June), and continue for four mornings from 26 – 29 June.

The walkabouts and visits include heartland spots such as Ang Mo Kio Central Market and Food Centre, Cheng San blocks and coffee shops, as well as Serangoon North blocks and coffee shops. 

Mr Jeyaretnam also shared details on how Singaporeans can help the party.

To volunteer: call Charles at 9431-3141, or email [email protected]

To donate,
UEN: T08SS0117E
Current: 100-902777-0
Or call 9820-9549

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