Charitable couple source and distribute 6,600 masks to those in need in Singapore

TODAY published an exclusive story yesterday (20 February) of Ms Jennifer Le,…

Surgeon gets one-year suspension for overdosing a patient and not sending her to ICU

A surgeon in private practice, Dr Edward Foo Chee Boon, was suspended…

The US identifies five Chinese media outlets as “foreign missions”

On Wednesday, (February 19)  Kyodo News reported that the US government outlined…

UK: Stop relying on “cheap, low skilled labour”; introduces a new points-based immigration system

The United Kingdom (UK) government recently announced a new points-based immigration system…

东南亚非法野生动物贸易”令人震惊“ 国际组织吁我国加强打击贩卖活动

东南亚非法野生动物贸易水平“令人震惊”,国际组织认为尽管新加坡的相关打击非法贩卖条规足够,但有鉴于我国是贸易中转枢纽,应采取更多措施遏制贩卖活动。 该报告由国际野生物贸易研究组织TRAFFIC所发表,研究了最近10个东南亚国家协会(ASEAN)数以千次成功缉捕的数据。报告指出,新加坡的法律的量刑率很高,普遍足够,但也强调其量刑期限不足,因为平均是为八年,而新加坡仅两年刑期。 其非法贩卖野生动物包括犀牛角、象牙等珍贵物品。一般而言,这些被抓捕的野生动物将供饲养、高端商品以及传统药材作用。 此外,报告表示,关于贸易数据,新加坡在某些条例上的明确度有待提升。 针对东南亚的非法野生动物贸易,TRAFFIC区域主任卡尼莎(Kanitha Krishnasamy)表示,“东南亚没有一天是不抓捕野生动物的,而且其数量也是令人惊人。” 担忧仍有许多非法贩卖活动 然而报告也透露,目前所揭露的数字仅仅是成功缉捕的数字,那也只是一小部分,相信还有更多的非法野生动物贩卖的活动正在进行。 尽管报告指出,新加坡在打击非法贩卖野生动物的法规与法律是足够的,但仍采取更多措施遏制贩卖活动。 举例而言,报告也指出,新加坡仍然查获大量的象牙和穿山甲鳞片,由此可见,新加坡如今仍是东南亚非法贩卖爬行类动物与鸟类动物的中转站,贩卖者利用我国港口偷运上述物品。 去年截获大量象牙穿山甲   …

Defence lawyer raises questions regarding fairness in conviction and sentencing of ex-domestic worker of former CapitaLand CEO

The decision of the State Courts to set aside former domestic worker…

Is Japan the Most Overrated Travel Destination in the World?

Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly…