It was reported that employers will now face prosecution in court and other harsh penalties for discriminatory hiring practices, including those involving making false declarations on fair hiring consideration.

Manpower Minister Josephine Teo had warned that employers found guilty of engaging in workplace discrimination would not be permitted to apply for new work passes for a minimum of 12 months. In the “most egregious cases”, she said the debarment period may extend to up to 24 months.

Under the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF), employers are required to advertise job openings for positions with a monthly salary of under S$15,000 on the national Jobs Bank for a minimum of 14 days for locals to apply before they are allowed to apply for an Employment Pass (EP) to get a foreigner in.

In particular, MOM publicly named and penalized a few companies which were caught for flouting FCF. These companies have submitted EP applications for foreign job applicants and not fairly considered any local applicants. They did not conduct any job interviews for Singaporean locals for one reason or other. One company even lied to MOM saying they had when they had no intention of interviewing any locals. All of them have already pre-selected their foreign candidates before putting up job advertisements on Jobs Bank just for show.

All these companies could have avoided legal troubles with MOM if they had taken the trouble to at least “wayang” a bit to interview some local candidates. In such cases, the companies can still give the excuse that they have interviewed the locals and did not find any of them suitable. It would be difficult for MOM to find fault with these companies.

Interview Expert Academy: 41 reasons why candidates fail at interviews

So, if companies are bent on hiring their favorite foreign job applicants, they can still fool MOM by inviting some of the local job applicants for interviews. But what excuses can these companies come up with in case MOM asks them for the reasons for rejecting the local candidates?

Interview Expert Academy, which helps people to overcome difficulties and challenges in job interviews, compiled a list of 41 reasons why candidates fail at interviews from their past experience dealing with interviewers in companies, and told by interviewers themselves:

  1. Poor preparation
  2. Displaying a negative attitude or generally being negative
  3. No enthusiasm for the company or the role
  4. Being dishonest
  5. Vague or uninteresting interview answers
  6. Arriving late
  7. Arriving too early
  8. Being rude to the receptionist
  9. Smelling like a cigarette
  10. Dressed inappropriately
  11. Wearing sunglasses
  12. Keeping a scarf on during the interview
  13. Wearing too much perfume or aftershave
  14. Shaking hands too weakly or too strong
  15. Complaining that you were kept waiting for the interview
  16. Sitting in a too relaxed or aggressive manner
  17. Chewing gum, a pen or playing with your hair
  18. Forgetting or mispronouncing the name of the interviewer
  19. Forgetting what is written on your CV/Resume
  20. Being unprepared for the standard interview questions
  21. Lying about your skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications
  22. Being rude or uncomplimentary about your previous company or boss
  23. Sharing too much personal information
  24. Failing to explain how your skills match the job in question
  25. Interrupting the interviewer
  26. Asking too many questions or irrelevant questions
  27. Not asking good questions
  28. Yawning
  29. Not making eye contact or making too much
  30. Getting angry or defensive
  31. Using phrases like “you know”
  32. Laughing at inappropriate moments
  33. Sounding desperate or overeager
  34. Checking the time
  35. Asking about the salary too early
  36. Having poor manners
  37. Being overconfident
  38. Not building rapport
  39. Not listening to the interviewer’s questions
  40. Inappropriate photos or comments on social media
  41. Keeping a tissue for cleaning your glasses in your bra

As can be seen, if a company doesn’t want to hire someone, there are indeed plenty of reasons for the company to use. It would certainly mean wasting more of Singaporean applicants’ time by inviting them to come for “bogus” interviews so as to help fool MOM, for those companies which have already pre-selected their foreign candidates. MOM’s latest FCF updates would not be of help at all.

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