28 human rights groups and organisations, including MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) and the Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign, have expressed their discontent over the...
by Khush Chopra While observers of the state of democracy agree that democracy has been in relative decline in recent years, it is my view that...
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) announced on Tuesday (25 June) that Syaikhah Izzah Zahrah Al Ansari, who was the first woman imprisoned under the Internal Security...
53-year-old Mohamad Mustafa is a provision shop owner who has been in the industry for over 20 years. But, being in this business is no coincidence...
The winning companies of the 2019 Sustainable Business Awards were announced on Tuesday (25 June) in the presence of Senior Minister of State for the Environment...
Between next month and Nov this year, 1.7mil Singaporeans will receive a total of S$1bil worth of Goods and Services Tax cash vouchers and Medisave top-ups,...
Yesterday (25 Jun), it was reported in the media that one Nalla Rajan Naidu Adhiseshan was sentenced to 18 months’ jail for two charges of cheating...
Last Sat (22 Jun), ST Forum reader Isaac Neo Yi Chong wrote that even as Singapore’s economy has been consistently growing, the rise in income inequality...
Parliament is set to reopen in July for more governing while the speculation on the ground is that the next general election will happen this September....
财政部(MOF)今天发文告指出,170万名符合资格的国人,将于今年7月5日起,获得总值10亿元的各类消费税补助券(GSTV)和保健储蓄户头填补。 而今年8月,将有约140万名符合资格的国人,将会获得总值4亿1000万元拨款的消费税补助券现金(GSTV-Cash),最高的个人现金补助金额为300元。 当局表示,国民可以透过他们的电子政府密码SingPass,上网查看所获得的消费税补助券现金和保健储蓄户头福利。 类似于去年的通知方式,使用SingPass更新手机号码的民众,将会收到简讯通知,其他人则会书信通知。 至于消费税补助券保健储蓄(GSTV – MediSave)填补方面,今年将有约52万65岁及以上的国人将在8月份,获得总值1亿5200千万元的填补,最高的个人填补金额为450元。 此外,出生于1969年12月31日或之前(在2018年年满50岁或以上),并且未享有建国一代(PG)或立国一代(MG)配套的国人,将从今年开始至到2023年,连续五年获得每年100元的保健储蓄填补。这份总值5700万元的填补,预计将让57万国人受惠。 财政部指出,在今年年满65岁,居住在政府组屋的立国一代将获得450元的保健储蓄户头填补;在今年年满85岁,且居住在政府组屋的建国一代则将会获得1250元的填补。 除了2019年预算公布的消费税补助券配套,在今年年满21岁及以上的国民将从11月开始,获得300元的消费税补助券现金,作为开埠200周年补助。 呼吁未注册者立即行动 符合资格的国民将于7月份,收到有关消费税补助券和保健储蓄户头福利的通知简讯或通知书。 若以往曾经注册消费税补助券或其他政府配套,大部分的国民都将获得相关补助券现金。 至于还未注册消费税补助券或其他政府配套的国人,当局欢迎他们于今年12月31日前,上网或透过社区中心填写表格,以进行注册。