European Union Ambassador to Singapore, H.E. Barbara Plinkert with students (Photo from EU commission to Singapore’s twitter page)

Over 10,000 students aged 16 to 18 from over 20 Singapore schools will participate in the inaugural European Union (EU) Comes to Your School Project (#EU@School) from 14 to 27 May, where they will learn more about the EU and its relations with Singapore.

Over the two weeks, EU ambassadors based in Singapore will visit schools to give talks about the EU, touching on topics such as the EU’s history, institutions and global role. The project aims to promote 21st Century Competencies by developing global awareness and cross-cultural skills amongst our students and instilling in them an appreciation of different cultures and languages via an introduction to the rich and diverse cultures of Europe.

At the kick-off event today, Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung, the European Union Ambassador to Singapore, and EU ambassadors from Finland, France, Germany, Italy and Romania engaged students from participating schools in an interactive discussion about the importance of foreign language proficiency in a globalised world.

Commenting on how this project will benefit students, Director-General of Education, Mr Wong Siew Hoong, said, “As we become increasingly globalised and inter-connected, it is vital for our students to develop a keen awareness of global events and a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. That is why EU@School is such a valuable platform for our students and youths, not just to learn more about the EU and its relations with Singapore and ASEAN, but also to reflect on current geopolitical realities, where they stand in the world as the next generation of Singapore’s movers and shakers.”

The European Union Ambassador to Singapore, H.E. Barbara Plinkert, added, “The EU@School project is a testament to the longstanding relationship between Singapore and the EU. It is also a great opportunity for us to reach out to the younger generation. I am thrilled with the overwhelming support we have received from the Ministry of Education and we look forward to a successful project.”

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