Heavy rain at Ubi / Photo: Eric Goh’s post on Twitter

Moderate to heavy short-duration thundery showers are expected between the late morning and afternoon on six to eight days in the second half of April 2019.

Met Service stated in a press release on Wednesday (17 April) that the prevailing inter-monsoon conditions in Singapore and the surrounding region are expected to persist through May 2019.

During the inter-monsoon period, Met Service said that the low-level winds are generally light and variable in direction. There is also strong solar heating of land areas, and coupled with convergence of winds over Singapore and the surrounding vicinity, short-duration thundery showers accompanied by high lightning activity typically occur in the afternoons.

In addition to the showers, on one or two days, the passage of Sumatra squalls could bring widespread thundery showers and gusty winds in the morning. The rainfall for April 2019 is forecast to be near-normal.

Although thundery showers are expected on most days for the rest of April 2019, it is also expected to be warm, it noted.

Met Service said that the daily temperature on most days is forecast to range between 25°C and 34°C. On a few afternoons, the daily maximum temperature could reach a high of 35°C.

Reviewing the first half of April, Met Service stated that light winds and strong solar heating of land areas led to the development of thunderstorm clouds on most days. Intense short-duration thundery showers fell over many areas in the afternoon on some days.

Despite the wet weather on most days in the first fortnight April 2019, there were several days that were very warm with the daily maximum temperature rising to above 35°C. During the period, the highest daily maximum temperature recorded was 36.0°C at Admiralty on 7 April 2019. On most days, the daily temperature ranged between 24°C and 34°C.


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