Amidst US President Donald Trump’s decision to restore sanctions against Iran, Singapore-based water technology company Hyflux faces the prospect of shouldering “material adverse effect” on top...
In a momentous ruling by three High Court judges, a Singaporean gay man was granted the right to adopt his five-year-old son who was conceived through...
Earlier today, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architect at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Tay Kheng Soon shared on his Facebook Page, a letter...
The Sarawak Report published an article on 15 December that questions the heavy handed action by Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s legal team in taking...
About five years ago, in China, prominent online personalities were “invited” to a conference in Beijing. They were each given a notebook with a logo of...
Investors will be able to invest in Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) using their Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) funds starting from 1 February 2019 with the Individual Limit...
There’s been plenty of debate these past couple of weeks about the airspace issue between Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore’s Seletar Airport started using the Instrument Landing...
Last weekend, a traffic nightmare came to life for travellers heading out of Singapore at both the Tuas and Woodlands Checkpoints on Friday evening and Saturday,...
Gymkhana FC’s president Patrick Francis has lashed out against the decision of the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) to expel his club from the National Football...
Indian national Vicky Gautam who currently lives in Sydney posted an article on Quora recently, comparing working and living in Singapore and Australia. He has lived...