Citing diabetes as a serious health concern in Singapore, for having the highest prevalence of diabetes among developed nations, Ministry of Health is seeking feedback from...
During the round table discussion on wages in the ages of disruptions hosted by Straits Times, National University of Singapore Professor Dr Tommy Koh argued that...
It is now public knowledge that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is suing veteran Singaporean blogger, Leong Sze Hian for defamation over a Facebook share he...
Following complaints from Tampines residents regarding the cleanliness of their estate, the Tampines Town Council has introduced a new tracking system that will monitor a cleaner’s...
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) published an article discussing the US$200,000 starting salary offered by Singapore’s national university and the effects that will have on...
Ever since the Miss Universe Singapore costume was unveiled last week, the public and media have not slowed down on their criticism of the costume that...
Influential Brands®, a think–tank research and business organisation which identifies, engages and recognises “The Champions of Excellence“ throughout Asia, has named and recognised nine Thai companies as deserving winners at the 2018...
因为在个人脸书专页分享一篇文章惹祸,本地知名时评人、金融服务专业协会前主席梁实轩,遭总理李显龙提告诽谤。 梁实轩是在11月初,分享了誌期11月5日的State Times Review(STR)文章,标题为《李显龙成为一马公司弊案主要调查对象》。 有关文章指《砂拉越报告》主编克莱尔,在接受访谈时指出在一马公司弊案中,新加坡和瑞士及美国,成了调查对象。但较后《砂》已澄清有关文章内容不实,要求STR纠正。 据了解,资讯与媒体发展局(IMDA)在11月6日致函梁实轩,指其文章违反网络行为准则,要求后者在六小时内撤下有关文章。梁实轩也遵守IMDA的要求。 《网络公民》查询其他也分享同一篇文章的网民,却没有收到资媒局的警告信。 在11月12日,德尊(新加坡)法律事务所致函梁实轩,要求他对总理李显龙公开道歉,并赔偿后者名誉损失。 信函称:“这些指控都是不实和无根据的,对我们的客户造成严重诽谤,诋毁他的人格、信誉和诚信,”由资深律师达文星领导的李显龙律师团队,认为梁实轩发布的贴文,明显含有“恶意损害其客户”的成分。 根据《海峡时报》报导,法庭文件指文章中“意味且可被理解为,原告腐败地滥用总理职务,帮助纳吉清洗一马公司的数十亿元资金。” 作为单一的个案,梁实轩的脸书贴文被指含有诽谤词语“意味且可被理解为,原告与一马公司弊案的犯罪活动同谋。” 李显龙的代表律师称,这些词语“不实且毫无根据,并且有意诋毁身为总理的原告。” 然而,根据本社观察,梁实轩贴文被撤下前,该帖文只是纯粹分享,梁实轩并未留下个人评述和留言。 李总理的新闻秘书张俪霖受询时证实,总理已对梁实轩提起诽谤诉讼,并全权交由代表律师负责。 在2014年,部落客鄞义林也因为英语文章《您的公积金去了哪?城市丰收教会审讯的启示》,也同样被李显龙总理提告。鄞义林最后向总理致歉,并被判需赔偿15万元。
The latest research report on ground transportation logistics by DHL, the world’s leading logistics company, has revealed that companies in Asia Pacific place more importance on...
Philippines independent news site Rappler and its CEO Maria Ressa were formally indicted last week for tax evasion, a move that many consider to be politically...