Founder and co-executive of the international Christian humanitarian organisation RADION International, Mr Eugene Wee, has written an open letter to Singapore’s Ministers in response to the...
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Mr Tay Kheng Soon was called in for questioning today (28 Aug)...
The developer of the US$100bil Forest City residential project in Johor has disputed claims that Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had announced that the Government...
新加坡国立大学建筑系客座教授郑庆顺,于今午被警方传召问话,要他针对脸书一则贴文解释其动机。有者针对他在上月15日,一张亚美尼亚种族屠杀纪念馆照片中的图片说明而报警。 有关贴文乃是郑庆顺针对阿美尼亚种族屠杀纪念馆有感而发,提到该馆纪念1911年150万名亚美尼亚基督徒被土耳其鄂图曼,要求改教而被迫害。 就有名为阿扎哈里阿里的网民留言,批评他对“伊斯兰教作出不公平描述”,即便郑庆顺并无此意图。 郑庆顺在个人脸书贴文,提及因此事被警方传召的经历。他说,他向警方解释,其贴文属学术教育性质的,在与阿扎哈里的对话中,他也已阐明,不能仅从字面上去理解任何宗教的神圣文本,也需考量到当下的社会情景和时局,才能避免断章取义。 不过,他不确定报案者是否与阿扎哈里有关联。 “勿滥用法律对付理性学术讨论” 他说,在口供中,他也要求警察总长和国家内政部长,阐明和确立回应公众投诉的准则,“如果投诉具有显著重要,例如可能引发暴力或社会动荡,确实应立即采取行动。但若只是个人之间的小小不愉快,应该可以理性地解决。” 相对而言,只因为有些人不同意您的看法, 就造成了个人的不便。也是新加坡建筑师学会前主席的郑庆顺表示遗憾,报案者滥用警力来打击意见不同人士,他只希望法律不会被一小撮人当作针对理性学术讨论的武器,只因为他们的感受被冒犯了。现代新加坡应该足够成熟去接受各种强力而真挚的论述。 不过,他表示负责调查警方态度专业。
5,101 flats launched for sale on Tuesday (28 August) under the August 2018 Build-To-Order (BTO) and Re-Offer of Balance Flats (ROF) exercise, which includes 4,375 BTO...
What better way to pass the time at the office than to start planning your next holiday? KAYAK (, the world’s leading travel search engine, analysed...
by Arlene Tan Earlier in April I decided not to watch the film Crazy Rich Asians due to the stereotypical representation of darker-skinned Asian characters/extras in its...
In an endearing little video, Ubersnap and animal rescue organisation, Save Our Street Dog (SOSD) announced their partnership to help get more rescued dogs adopted. SOSD is...
Financial commentator and former banker Chris Kuan recently wrote on his Facebook page, “Enough of the PAP, onto the cybernutocracy. Top alt media financial blogger asked “Do...
Following police investigations regarding the case of an employee of the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) who had posted a picture on Facebook featuring a depiction...