Google has announced its plan to work with leading global training providers to equip 1,000 business leaders in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector by 2019 in a collaboration with UK-based digital transformation and leadership training company AVADO, Spring Singapore and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).
In its announcement on Wednesday (19 April), Google stated that the course, Squared Online, is conceived as a digital leadership and marketing programme to foster the next generation of digital leaders in Singapore.
Google’s regional director for South-east Asia, global marketing solutions, Ghislain Le Chatelier, said that Squared Online for SMEs is aligned with the Singapore government’s “SMEs Go Digital Programme”.
He stressed that Squared Online for SMEs equips businesses with the knowledge and skills to boost their in-house digital marketing capabilities, adding that the programme shows businesses how to reach global consumers online, building off the established Squared Online programme for large enterprises.
He stated that it has attracted over 1,000 students in 18 countries in Asia-Pacific, including 450 students locally from organisations like Mediacorp, Prudential, iProspect, and American Express, adding that 120 participants per cohort can take part.
“The broader goal being to train a total of 1,000 business leaders by 2019,” the director said.
“We know that SMEs have limited resources and that they’re looking for help to grow. Getting digital and mobile right is the key to future success. By offering a dedicated digital marketing programme for SME leaders, we hope to help them export using the web, grow their customer base and thrive in an increasingly mobile-first world,” he noted.

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