
A shop in AMK Hub shopping mall caught fire this morning at around 1:32am. Two fire engines, two red rhinos and five support vehicles were dispatched to the scene. With the help of one water jet and the building’s sprinkler system, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) personnel managed to quickly put out the fire.
SCDF said the fire originated from the storeroom of a shop in basement one, involving contents  measuring 1m by 2m in the shop’s storeroom.
A fitness centre in the mall gave notice on its Facebook to its members that it was temporarily closed due to a fire that occurred this morning at the shopping mall.
SCDF said the investigation for the cause of the fire is ongoing.
In 2010, a fire had also broken out at the shopping mall in Ang Mo Kio, about 1,000 people had to be evacuated after the fire started on an escalator in the mall.

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