A 50-year-old man was arrested for appearing nude in public, along Upper Cross Street beside where the State Courts stand.
In a statement on Saturday, the police said they received a call on Friday at about 10.27am requesting for assistance at Upper Cross Street. The police stated that the man was arrested for the offence of appearing nude in a public place and police investigations are ongoing.
In the film, the man was shown wearing red shirt and being buttnaked and tugging a water hose with a construction worker. After letting go of the waterhose, he then walked onto the road, disregarding the traffic and gesturing at the passerbys.
The man slowly crossed the road and knelt to the ground with what resembles to be praying. He then walked towards a taxi parked at the taxi stand and entered into the taxi.
Before the taxi could drive off, two police officer caught up to him under the overhead bridge and apprehended him, but not before donning on a police coat on the man.
The penalty for appearing nude in a public place if found guilty, is punishable with a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both.

Video by Shashi Kumar Shashimi

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