Ho Ching (image – Wikipedia)
Ho Ching (image - Wikipedia)
Ho Ching (image – Wikipedia)

Ho Ching, the chief executive officer of Temasek Holdings, will be extending her sabbatical to six months, Temasek said in a statement on Saturday, 25 July.

In its brief statement, Temasek said Mdm Ho “has taken the option of extending her part-time sabbatical leave to six months, and will complete her sabbatical in October 2015.” 

It added that she “will continue with her board duties and specific stewardship duties.”

Temasek said in April that Mdm Ho, who is also the wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, would be taking a three month sabbatical.

The break came just about two weeks after the funeral of Mdm Ho’s father-in-law, the late Lee Kuan Yew.

Mdm Ho had said she wanted to “spend some time on a couple of longstanding things.”

She also said, on her Facebook page in April, that she wanted “to catch up on some sleep” and to “do a lot more walking.”

Mr Lee Theng Kiat, President of Temasek, will continue to cover all normal course of business at Temasek.

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