Elfy’s Facebook post
Elfy [Photo" Elfy Facebook]
Elfy [Photo” Elfy Facebook]
The video which showed him standing up to a Caucasian bully has gone viral and has chalked up a total of a million views on the original Facebook page where it was uploaded, and on The Online Citizen’s website as well.

See here: “Man stands up for another who was being abused in MRT train“.

The Malay man whom some have praised and called a hero apparently goes by the name “Elfy” or “Hanafie” and is known on Facebook as “Loony Gates“.

Elfy was in the MRT train earlier this week when he stood up for a young man who was being verbally abused by a Caucasian man who took umbrage with the t-shirt the young man was wearing.

The t-shirt said, “I am f-king Special”.

The Caucasian was taunting and challenging the young man to a fight, and also threatened to throw him off the train.

When the train pulled into Ang Mo Kio station, Elfy stepped forth and defended the young man and scolded the bigger-sized Caucasian who then seemed to be somewhat cowed by what Elfy had done.

Eventually  both men were called off the train by police officers and it is unclear if any action will be taken against any of the parties involved.

Nonetheless, the video of the incident quickly went viral after it was uploaded on 8 July by Ms Nabilah Nasser on her Facebook page.

Many, both on social media and on forums, have praised Elfy for doing what was right and courageous.

Elfy confronting the Caucasian
Elfy confronting the Caucasian

Elfy responded to this on Saturday with a post on his Facebook page, where he said:

“Dear singaporeans.. i was so thankful to those who are appreciated of the action that i did. Do Always stand for ur right and help our nation as well. Thank for the cheers thanks for the appreciation.. I am so appreciate you guys..BIG SALUTE to all of you.”

Elfy's Facebook post
Elfy’s Facebook post

Here’s the video of the incident:

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